require 'test_helper' class JobTest < Whenever::TestCase should "return the :at set when #at is called" do assert_equal 'foo', new_job(:at => 'foo').at end should "return the :roles set when #roles is called" do assert_equal ['foo', 'bar'], new_job(:roles => ['foo', 'bar']).roles end should "return whether it has a role from #has_role?" do assert new_job(:roles => 'foo').has_role?('foo') assert_equal false, new_job(:roles => 'bar').has_role?('foo') end should "substitute the :task when #output is called" do job = new_job(:template => ":task", :task => 'abc123') assert_equal 'abc123', job.output end should "substitute the :path when #output is called" do assert_equal 'foo', new_job(:template => ':path', :path => 'foo').output end should "substitute the :path with the default Whenever.path if none is provided when #output is called" do Whenever.expects(:path).returns('/my/path') assert_equal '/my/path', new_job(:template => ':path').output end should "not substitute parameters for which no value is set" do assert_equal 'Hello :world', new_job(:template => ':matching :world', :matching => 'Hello').output end should "escape the :path" do assert_equal '/my/spacey\ path', new_job(:template => ':path', :path => '/my/spacey path').output end should "escape percent signs" do job = new_job( :template => "before :foo after", :foo => "percent -> % <- percent" ) assert_equal %q(before percent -> \% <- percent after), job.output end should "assume percent signs are not already escaped" do job = new_job( :template => "before :foo after", :foo => %q(percent preceded by a backslash -> \% <-) ) assert_equal %q(before percent preceded by a backslash -> \\\% <- after), job.output end should "squish spaces and newlines" do job = new_job( :template => "before :foo after", :foo => "newline -> \n <- newline space -> <- space" ) assert_equal "before newline -> <- newline space -> <- space after", job.output end end class JobWithQuotesTest < Whenever::TestCase should "output the :task if it's in single quotes" do job = new_job(:template => "':task'", :task => 'abc123') assert_equal %q('abc123'), job.output end should "output the :task if it's in double quotes" do job = new_job(:template => '":task"', :task => 'abc123') assert_equal %q("abc123"), job.output end should "output escaped single quotes in when it's wrapped in them" do job = new_job( :template => "before ':foo' after", :foo => "quote -> ' <- quote" ) assert_equal %q(before 'quote -> '\'' <- quote' after), job.output end should "output escaped double quotes when it's wrapped in them" do job = new_job( :template => 'before ":foo" after', :foo => 'quote -> " <- quote' ) assert_equal %q(before "quote -> \" <- quote" after), job.output end end class JobWithJobTemplateTest < Whenever::TestCase should "use the job template" do job = new_job(:template => ':task', :task => 'abc123', :job_template => 'left :job right') assert_equal 'left abc123 right', job.output end should "reuse parameter in the job template" do job = new_job(:template => ':path :task', :path => 'path', :task => "abc123", :job_template => ':path left :job right') assert_equal 'path left path abc123 right', job.output end should "escape single quotes" do job = new_job(:template => "before ':task' after", :task => "quote -> ' <- quote", :job_template => "left ':job' right") assert_equal %q(left 'before '\''quote -> '\\''\\'\\'''\\'' <- quote'\'' after' right), job.output end should "escape double quotes" do job = new_job(:template => 'before ":task" after', :task => 'quote -> " <- quote', :job_template => 'left ":job" right') assert_equal %q(left "before \"quote -> \\\" <- quote\" after" right), job.output end end