# encoding: UTF-8 require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'test_utils') require 'tempfile' include TZInfo using RubyCoreSupport::UntaintExt if RubyCoreSupport.const_defined?(:UntaintExt) class TCZoneinfoTimezoneInfo < Minitest::Test begin Time.at(-2147483649) Time.at(2147483648) SUPPORTS_64BIT = true rescue RangeError SUPPORTS_64BIT = false end begin Time.at(-1) Time.at(-2147483648) SUPPORTS_NEGATIVE = true rescue ArgumentError SUPPORTS_NEGATIVE = false end def assert_period(abbreviation, utc_offset, std_offset, dst, start_at, end_at, info) if start_at period = info.period_for_utc(start_at) elsif end_at period = info.period_for_utc(TimeOrDateTime.wrap(end_at).add_with_convert(-1).to_orig) else # no transitions, pick the epoch period = info.period_for_utc(Time.utc(1970, 1, 1)) end assert_equal(abbreviation, period.abbreviation) assert_equal(utc_offset, period.utc_offset) assert_equal(std_offset, period.std_offset) assert_equal(dst, period.dst?) if start_at refute_nil(period.utc_start_time) assert_equal(start_at, period.utc_start_time) else assert_nil(period.utc_start_time) end if end_at refute_nil(period.utc_end_time) assert_equal(end_at, period.utc_end_time) else assert_nil(period.utc_end_time) end end def convert_times_to_i(items, key = :at) items.each do |item| if item[key].kind_of?(Time) item[key] = item[key].utc.to_i end end end def select_with_32bit_values(items, key = :at) items.select do |item| i = item[key] i >= -2147483648 && i <= 2147483647 end end def pack_int64_network_order(values) values.collect {|value| [value >> 32, value & 0xFFFFFFFF]}.flatten.pack('NN' * values.length) end def pack_int64_signed_network_order(values) # Convert to the equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer with the same bit representation pack_int64_network_order(values.collect {|value| value < 0 ? value + 0x10000000000000000 : value}) end def write_tzif(format, offsets, transitions, leaps = [], options = {}) # Options for testing malformed zoneinfo files. magic = options[:magic] section2_magic = options[:section2_magic] abbrev_separator = options[:abbrev_separator] || "\0" abbrev_offset_base = options[:abbrev_offset_base] || 0 unless magic if format == 1 magic = "TZif\0" elsif format >= 2 magic = "TZif#{format}" else raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid format specified' end end if section2_magic.kind_of?(Proc) section2_magic = section2_magic.call(format) else section2_magic = magic unless section2_magic end convert_times_to_i(transitions) convert_times_to_i(leaps) abbrevs = offsets.collect {|o| o[:abbrev]}.uniq if abbrevs.length > 0 abbrevs = abbrevs.collect {|a| a.encode('UTF-8')} if abbrevs.first.respond_to?(:encode) if abbrevs.first.respond_to?(:bytesize) abbrevs_length = abbrevs.inject(0) {|sum, a| sum + a.bytesize + abbrev_separator.bytesize} else abbrevs_length = abbrevs.inject(0) {|sum, a| sum + a.length + abbrev_separator.length} end else abbrevs_length = 0 end b32_transitions = select_with_32bit_values(transitions) b32_leaps = select_with_32bit_values(leaps) Tempfile.open('tzinfo-test-zone') do |file| file.binmode file.write( [magic, offsets.length, offsets.length, leaps.length, b32_transitions.length, offsets.length, abbrevs_length].pack('a5 x15 NNNNNN')) unless b32_transitions.empty? file.write(b32_transitions.collect {|t| t[:at]}.pack('N' * b32_transitions.length)) file.write(b32_transitions.collect {|t| t[:offset_index]}.pack('C' * b32_transitions.length)) end offsets.each do |offset| index = abbrevs.index(offset[:abbrev]) abbrev_offset = abbrev_offset_base 0.upto(index - 1) {|i| abbrev_offset += abbrevs[i].length + 1} file.write([offset[:gmtoff], offset[:isdst] ? 1 : 0, abbrev_offset].pack('NCC')) end abbrevs.each do |a| file.write(a) file.write(abbrev_separator) end b32_leaps.each do |leap| file.write([leap[:at], leap[:seconds]].pack('NN')) end unless offsets.empty? file.write("\0" * offsets.length * 2) end if format >= 2 file.write( [section2_magic, offsets.length, offsets.length, leaps.length, transitions.length, offsets.length, abbrevs_length].pack('a5 x15 NNNNNN')) unless transitions.empty? file.write(pack_int64_signed_network_order(transitions.collect {|t| t[:at]})) file.write(transitions.collect {|t| t[:offset_index]}.pack('C' * transitions.length)) end offsets.each do |offset| index = abbrevs.index(offset[:abbrev]) abbrev_offset = abbrev_offset_base 0.upto(index - 1) {|i| abbrev_offset += abbrevs[i].length + 1} file.write([offset[:gmtoff], offset[:isdst] ? 1 : 0, abbrev_offset].pack('NCC')) end abbrevs.each do |a| file.write(a) file.write(abbrev_separator) end leaps.each do |leap| file.write(pack_int64_signed_network_order([leap[:at]])) file.write([leap[:seconds]].pack('N')) end unless offsets.empty? file.write("\0" * offsets.length * 2) end # Empty POSIX timezone string file.write("\n\n") end file.flush yield file.path, format end end def tzif_test(offsets, transitions, leaps = [], options = {}, &block) min_format = options[:min_format] || 1 min_format.upto(3) do |format| write_tzif(format, offsets, transitions, leaps, options, &block) end end def test_load offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(1971, 1, 2), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(1980, 4, 22), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(1980, 10, 21), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), :offset_index => 3}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/One', path) assert_equal('Zone/One', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1971, 1, 2), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1971, 1, 2), Time.utc(1980, 4, 22), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(1980, 4, 22), Time.utc(1980, 10, 21), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1980, 10, 21), Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), info) assert_period(:XNST, 0, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), nil, info) end end def test_load_negative_utc_offset offsets = [ {:gmtoff => -12492, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => -12000, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => -8400, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => -8400, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(1971, 7, 9, 3, 0, 0), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(1972, 10, 12, 3, 0, 0), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(1973, 4, 29, 3, 0, 0), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(1992, 4, 1, 4, 30, 0), :offset_index => 3}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/One', path) assert_equal('Zone/One', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, -12492, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1971, 7, 9, 3, 0, 0), info) assert_period(:XST, -12000, 0, false, Time.utc(1971, 7, 9, 3, 0, 0), Time.utc(1972, 10, 12, 3, 0, 0), info) assert_period(:XDT, -12000, 3600, true, Time.utc(1972, 10, 12, 3, 0, 0), Time.utc(1973, 4, 29, 3, 0, 0), info) assert_period(:XST, -12000, 0, false, Time.utc(1973, 4, 29, 3, 0, 0), Time.utc(1992, 4, 1, 4, 30, 0), info) assert_period(:XNST, -8400, 0, false, Time.utc(1992, 4, 1, 4, 30, 0), nil, info) end end def test_load_dst_first offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(1979, 1, 2), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(1980, 4, 22), :offset_index => 0}, {:at => Time.utc(1980, 10, 21), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), :offset_index => 3}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/Two', path) assert_equal('Zone/Two', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1979, 1, 2), info) end end def test_load_no_transitions offsets = [{:gmtoff => -12094, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LT'}] tzif_test(offsets, []) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/three', path) assert_equal('Zone/three', info.identifier) assert_period(:LT, -12094, 0, false, nil, nil, info) end end def test_load_no_offsets offsets = [] transitions = [{:at => Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), :offset_index => 0}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone', path) end end end def test_load_invalid_offset_index offsets = [{:gmtoff => -0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}] transitions = [{:at => Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), :offset_index => 2}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone', path) end end end def test_load_with_leap_seconds offsets = [{:gmtoff => -0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}] leaps = [{:at => Time.utc(1972,6,30,23,59,60), :seconds => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, [], leaps) do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone', path) end end end def test_load_invalid_magic ['TZif4', 'tzif2', '12345'].each do |magic| offsets = [{:gmtoff => -12094, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LT'}] tzif_test(offsets, [], [], :magic => magic) do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone2', path) end end end end # These tests can only be run if the platform supports 64-bit Times. When # 64-bit support is unavailable, the second section will not be read, so no # error will be raised. if SUPPORTS_64BIT def test_load_invalid_section2_magic ['TZif4', 'tzif2', '12345'].each do |section2_magic| offsets = [{:gmtoff => -12094, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LT'}] tzif_test(offsets, [], [], :min_format => 2, :section2_magic => section2_magic) do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone4', path) end end end end def test_load_mismatched_section2_magic minus_one = Proc.new {|f| f == 2 ? "TZif\0" : "TZif#{f - 1}" } plus_one = Proc.new {|f| "TZif#{f + 1}" } [minus_one, plus_one].each do |section2_magic| offsets = [{:gmtoff => -12094, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LT'}] tzif_test(offsets, [], [], :min_format => 2, :section2_magic => section2_magic) do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone5', path) end end end end end def test_load_invalid_format Tempfile.open('tzinfo-test-zone') do |file| file.write('Invalid') file.flush assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone3', file.path) end end end def test_load_missing_abbrev_null_termination offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions, [], :abbrev_separator => '^') do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone', path) end end end def test_load_out_of_range_abbrev_offsets offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions, [], :abbrev_offset_base => 8) do |path, format| assert_raises(InvalidZoneinfoFile) do ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone', path) end end end def test_load_before_epoch # Some platforms don't support negative timestamps for times before the # epoch. Check that they are returned when supported and skipped when not. # Note the last transition before the epoch (and within the 32-bit range) is # moved to the epoch on platforms that do not support negative timestamps. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => -694224000, :offset_index => 1}, # Time.utc(1948, 1, 2) {:at => -21945600, :offset_index => 2}, # Time.utc(1969, 4, 22) {:at => Time.utc(1970, 10, 21), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), :offset_index => 3}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/Negative', path) assert_equal('Zone/Negative', info.identifier) if SUPPORTS_NEGATIVE assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1948, 1, 2), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1948, 1, 2), Time.utc(1969, 4, 22), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(1969, 4, 22), Time.utc(1970, 10, 21), info) else assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1970, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(1970, 1, 1), Time.utc(1970, 10, 21), info) end assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1970, 10, 21), Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), info) assert_period(:XNST, 0, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), nil, info) end end def test_load_on_epoch offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => -694224000, :offset_index => 1}, # Time.utc(1948, 1, 2) {:at => -21945600, :offset_index => 2}, # Time.utc(1969, 4, 22) {:at => Time.utc(1970, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), :offset_index => 3}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/Negative', path) assert_equal('Zone/Negative', info.identifier) if SUPPORTS_NEGATIVE assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1948, 1, 2), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1948, 1, 2), Time.utc(1969, 4, 22), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(1969, 4, 22), Time.utc(1970, 1, 1), info) else assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1970, 1, 1), info) end assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1970, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), info) assert_period(:XNST, 0, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 12, 31), nil, info) end end def test_load_64bit # Some platforms support 64-bit Times, others only 32-bit. The TZif version # 2 and later format contains both 32-bit and 64-bit times. # Where 64-bit is supported and a TZif 2 or later file is provided, the # 64-bit times should be used, otherwise the 32-bit information should be # used. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => -3786739200, :offset_index => 1}, # Time.utc(1850, 1, 2) {:at => Time.utc(2003, 4, 22), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2003, 10, 21), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => 2240524800, :offset_index => 3}] # Time.utc(2040, 12, 31) tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/SixtyFour', path) assert_equal('Zone/SixtyFour', info.identifier) if SUPPORTS_64BIT && format >= 2 assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1850, 1, 2), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1850, 1, 2), Time.utc(2003, 4, 22), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2003, 4, 22), Time.utc(2003, 10, 21), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2003, 10, 21), Time.utc(2040, 12, 31), info) assert_period(:XNST, 0, 0, false, Time.utc(2040, 12, 31), nil, info) else assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2003, 4, 22), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2003, 4, 22), Time.utc(2003, 10, 21), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2003, 10, 21), nil, info) end end end def test_load_64bit_range # The full range of 64 bit timestamps is not currently supported because of # the way transitions are indexed. Transitions outside the supported range # will be ignored. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => -2**63, :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => 2**63 - 1, :offset_index => 0}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/SixtyFourRange', path) assert_equal('Zone/SixtyFourRange', info.identifier) if SUPPORTS_64BIT && format >= 2 # When the full range is supported, the following periods will be defined: #assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.at(-2**63).utc, info) #assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.at(-2**63).utc, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), info) #assert_period(:XNST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), Time.at(2**63 - 1).utc, info) #assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, Time.at(2**63 - 1).utc, nil, info) # Without full range support, the following periods will be defined: assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), info) assert_period(:XNST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), nil, info) else assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), info) assert_period(:XNST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), nil, info) end end end def test_load_supported_64bit_range # The full range of 64 bit timestamps is not currently supported because of # the way transitions are indexed. Transitions outside the supported range # will be ignored. min_timestamp = -8520336000 # Time.utc(1700, 1, 1).to_i max_timestamp = 16725225600 # Time.utc(2500, 1, 1).to_i offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => min_timestamp, :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => max_timestamp - 1, :offset_index => 0}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/SupportedSixtyFourRange', path) assert_equal('Zone/SupportedSixtyFourRange', info.identifier) if SUPPORTS_64BIT && format >= 2 assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.at(min_timestamp).utc, info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.at(min_timestamp).utc, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), info) assert_period(:XNST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), Time.at(max_timestamp - 1).utc, info) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, Time.at(max_timestamp - 1).utc, nil, info) else assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), info) assert_period(:XNST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), nil, info) end end end def test_load_32bit_range offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XNST'}] transitions = [ {:at => -2**31, :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => 2**31 - 1, :offset_index => 0}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/ThirtyTwoRange', path) assert_equal('Zone/ThirtyTwoRange', info.identifier) if SUPPORTS_NEGATIVE assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.at(-2**31).utc, info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.at(-2**31).utc, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), info) assert_period(:XNST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), Time.at(2**31 - 1).utc, info) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, Time.at(2**31 - 1).utc, nil, info) else assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1970, 1, 1), Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), info) assert_period(:XNST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2014, 5, 27), Time.at(2**31 - 1).utc, info) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, Time.at(2**31 - 1).utc, nil, info) end end end def test_load_std_offset_changes # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/DoubleDaylight', path) assert_equal('Zone/DoubleDaylight', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XDDT, 3600, 7200, true, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_std_offset_changes_jump_to_double_dst # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/DoubleDaylight', path) assert_equal('Zone/DoubleDaylight', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), info) assert_period(:XDDT, 3600, 7200, true, Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_std_offset_changes_negative # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => -10821, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => -10800, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => -7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => -3600, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/DoubleDaylight', path) assert_equal('Zone/DoubleDaylight', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, -10821, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, -10800, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, -10800, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XDDT, -10800, 7200, true, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, -10800, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), info) assert_period(:XDDT, -10800, 7200, true, Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, -10800, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_starts_two_hour_std_offset # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/DoubleDaylight', path) assert_equal('Zone/DoubleDaylight', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XDDT, 3600, 7200, true, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_starts_only_dst_transition_with_lmt # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [{:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/OnlyDST', path) assert_equal('Zone/OnlyDST', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3542, 3658, true, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_starts_only_dst_transition_without_lmt # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [{:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [{:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 0}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/OnlyDST', path) assert_equal('Zone/OnlyDST', info.identifier) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_switch_to_dst_and_change_utc_offset # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. # Switch from non-DST to DST at the same time as moving the UTC offset # back an hour (i.e. wall clock time doesn't change). offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'YST'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/DoubleDaylight', path) assert_equal('Zone/DoubleDaylight', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:YST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 0, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_apia_international_dateline_change # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. # Pacific/Apia moved across the International Date Line whilst observing # daylight savings time. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 45184, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => -39600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => '-11'}, {:gmtoff => -36000, :isdst => true, :abbrev => '-10'}, {:gmtoff => 50400, :isdst => true, :abbrev => '+14'}, {:gmtoff => 46800, :isdst => false, :abbrev => '+13'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2011, 4, 2, 14, 0, 0), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2011, 9, 24, 14, 0, 0), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2011, 12, 30, 10, 0, 0), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2012, 3, 31, 14, 0, 0), :offset_index => 4}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Test/Pacific/Apia', path) assert_equal('Test/Pacific/Apia', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 45184, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2011, 4, 2, 14, 0, 0), info) assert_period(:'-11', -39600, 0, false, Time.utc(2011, 4, 2, 14, 0, 0), Time.utc(2011, 9, 24, 14, 0, 0), info) assert_period(:'-10', -39600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2011, 9, 24, 14, 0, 0), Time.utc(2011, 12, 30, 10, 0, 0), info) assert_period(:'+14', 46800, 3600, true, Time.utc(2011, 12, 30, 10, 0, 0), Time.utc(2012, 3, 31, 14, 0, 0), info) assert_period(:'+13', 46800, 0, false, Time.utc(2012, 3, 31, 14, 0, 0), nil, info) end end def test_load_offset_split_for_different_utc_offset # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST1'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST2'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 7, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 8, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 9, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 10, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 11, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 12, 1), :offset_index => 2}] # XDT will be split and defined according to its surrounding standard time # offsets. tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/SplitUtcOffset', path) assert_equal('Zone/SplitUtcOffset', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 3600, 7200, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 6, 1), Time.utc(2000, 7, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 7, 1), Time.utc(2000, 8, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 3600, 7200, true, Time.utc(2000, 8, 1), Time.utc(2000, 9, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 9, 1), Time.utc(2000, 10, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 10, 1), Time.utc(2000, 11, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 11, 1), Time.utc(2000, 12, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 12, 1), nil, info) 1.upto(6) do |i| assert_same(info.period_for_utc(Time.utc(2000, i, 1)).offset, info.period_for_utc(Time.utc(2000, i + 6, 1)).offset) end end end def test_load_offset_utc_offset_taken_from_minimum_difference_minimum_after # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST1'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST2'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 2}] # XDT should use the closest utc_offset (7200) (and not an equivalent # utc_offset of 3600 and std_offset of 7200). tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/MinimumUtcOffset', path) assert_equal('Zone/MinimumUtcOffset', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_offset_utc_offset_taken_from_minimum_difference_minimum_before # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST1'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST2'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 1}] # XDT should use the closest utc_offset (7200) (and not an equivalent # utc_offset of 3600 and std_offset of 7200). tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/MinimumUtcOffset', path) assert_equal('Zone/MinimumUtcOffset', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_offset_does_not_use_equal_utc_total_offset_equal_after # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST1'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST2'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 2}] # XDT will be based on the utc_offset of XST1 even though XST2 has an # equivalent (or greater) utc_total_offset. tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/UtcOffsetEqual', path) assert_equal('Zone/UtcOffsetEqual', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_offset_does_not_use_equal_utc_total_offset_equal_before # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST1'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST2'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 1}] # XDT will be based on the utc_offset of XST1 even though XST2 has an # equivalent (or greater) utc_total_offset. tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/UtcOffsetEqual', path) assert_equal('Zone/UtcOffsetEqual', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period( :XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_offset_both_adjacent_non_dst_equal_utc_total_offset # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 7142, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 1}] # XDT will just assume an std_offset of +1 hour and calculate the utc_offset # from utc_total_offset - std_offset. tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/AdjacentEqual', path) assert_equal('Zone/AdjacentEqual', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 7142, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 3600, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_offset_utc_offset_preserved_from_next # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST1'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST2'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT1'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT2'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 4}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 2}] # Both XDT1 and XDT2 should both use the closest utc_offset (7200) (and not # an equivalent utc_offset of 3600 and std_offset of 7200). tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/UtcOffsetPreserved', path) assert_equal('Zone/UtcOffsetPreserved', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT1, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT2, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_offset_utc_offset_preserved_from_previous # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST1'}, {:gmtoff => 7200, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST2'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT1'}, {:gmtoff => 10800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT2'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 3}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 4}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 1}] # Both XDT1 and XDT2 should both use the closest utc_offset (7200) (and not # an equivalent utc_offset of 3600 and std_offset of 7200). tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/UtcOffsetPreserved', path) assert_equal('Zone/UtcOffsetPreserved', info.identifier) assert_period( :LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST2, 7200, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT1, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT2, 7200, 3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XST1, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), nil, info) end end def test_read_offset_negative_std_offset_dst # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => -100, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XWT'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/NegativeStdOffsetDst', path) assert_equal('Zone/NegativeStdOffsetDst', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, -100, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XWT, 3600, -3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XWT, 3600, -3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), nil, info) end end def test_read_offset_negative_std_offset_dst_initial_dst # The zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time, so this # has to be derived by looking at changes in the total UTC offset. offsets = [ {:gmtoff => -100, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XWT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/NegativeStdOffsetDstInitialDst', path) assert_equal('Zone/NegativeStdOffsetDstInitialDst', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, -100, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XWT, 3600, -3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XWT, 3600, -3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 4, 1), Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), info) assert_period(:XWT, 3600, -3600, true, Time.utc(2000, 5, 1), nil, info) end end def test_read_offset_prefer_base_offset_moves_to_dst_not_hour offsets = [ {:gmtoff => -100, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 1800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 1800, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 3}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/BaseOffsetMovesToDstNotHour', path) assert_equal('Zone/BaseOffsetMovesToDstNotHour', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, -100, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 0, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 0, 1800, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 1800, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_read_offset_prefer_base_offset_moves_from_dst_not_hour offsets = [ {:gmtoff => -100, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 1800, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}, {:gmtoff => 1800, :isdst => true, :abbrev => 'XDT'}, {:gmtoff => 0, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), :offset_index => 1}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), :offset_index => 2}, {:at => Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), :offset_index => 3}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/BaseOffsetMovesFromDstNotHour', path) assert_equal('Zone/BaseOffsetMovesFromDstNotHour', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, -100, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 1800, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1), Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), info) assert_period(:XDT, 0, 1800, true, Time.utc(2000, 2, 1), Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), info) assert_period(:XST, 0, 0, false, Time.utc(2000, 3, 1), nil, info) end end def test_load_in_safe_mode offsets = [{:gmtoff => -12094, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LT'}] tzif_test(offsets, []) do |path, format| # untaint only required for Ruby 1.9.2 path.untaint safe_test do info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/three', path) assert_equal('Zone/three', info.identifier) assert_period(:LT, -12094, 0, false, nil, nil, info) end end end def test_load_encoding # tzfile.5 doesn't specify an encoding, but the source data is in ASCII. # ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo will load as UTF-8 (a superset of ASCII). offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST©'}] transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(1971, 1, 2), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/One', path) assert_equal('Zone/One', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(1971, 1, 2), info) assert_period(:"XST©", 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(1971, 1, 2), nil, info) end end def test_load_binmode offsets = [ {:gmtoff => 3542, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'LMT'}, {:gmtoff => 3600, :isdst => false, :abbrev => 'XST'}] # Transition time that includes CRLF (4EFF0D0A). # Test that this doesn't get corrupted by translating CRLF to LF. transitions = [ {:at => Time.utc(2011, 12, 31, 13, 24, 26), :offset_index => 1}] tzif_test(offsets, transitions) do |path, format| info = ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo.new('Zone/One', path) assert_equal('Zone/One', info.identifier) assert_period(:LMT, 3542, 0, false, nil, Time.utc(2011, 12, 31, 13, 24, 26), info) assert_period(:XST, 3600, 0, false, Time.utc(2011, 12, 31, 13, 24, 26), nil, info) end end end