module Sass::Script::Value # A SassScript object representing a number. # SassScript numbers can have decimal values, # and can also have units. # For example, `12`, `1px`, and `10.45em` # are all valid values. # # Numbers can also have more complex units, such as `1px*em/in`. # These cannot be inputted directly in Sass code at the moment. class Number < Base # The Ruby value of the number. # # @return [Numeric] attr_reader :value # A list of units in the numerator of the number. # For example, `1px*em/in*cm` would return `["px", "em"]` # @return [Array] attr_reader :numerator_units # A list of units in the denominator of the number. # For example, `1px*em/in*cm` would return `["in", "cm"]` # @return [Array] attr_reader :denominator_units # The original representation of this number. # For example, although the result of `1px/2px` is `0.5`, # the value of `#original` is `"1px/2px"`. # # This is only non-nil when the original value should be used as the CSS value, # as in `font: 1px/2px`. # # @return [Boolean, nil] attr_accessor :original def self.precision Thread.current[:sass_numeric_precision] || Thread.main[:sass_numeric_precision] || 10 end # Sets the number of digits of precision # For example, if this is `3`, # `3.1415926` will be printed as `3.142`. # The numeric precision is stored as a thread local for thread safety reasons. # To set for all threads, be sure to set the precision on the main thread. def self.precision=(digits) Thread.current[:sass_numeric_precision] = digits.round Thread.current[:sass_numeric_precision_factor] = nil Thread.current[:sass_numeric_epsilon] = nil end # the precision factor used in numeric output # it is derived from the `precision` method. def self.precision_factor Thread.current[:sass_numeric_precision_factor] ||= 10.0**precision end # Used in checking equality of floating point numbers. Any # numbers within an `epsilon` of each other are considered functionally equal. # The value for epsilon is one tenth of the current numeric precision. def self.epsilon Thread.current[:sass_numeric_epsilon] ||= 1 / (precision_factor * 10) end # Used so we don't allocate two new arrays for each new number. NO_UNITS = [] # @param value [Numeric] The value of the number # @param numerator_units [::String, Array<::String>] See \{#numerator\_units} # @param denominator_units [::String, Array<::String>] See \{#denominator\_units} def initialize(value, numerator_units = NO_UNITS, denominator_units = NO_UNITS) numerator_units = [numerator_units] if numerator_units.is_a?(::String) denominator_units = [denominator_units] if denominator_units.is_a?(::String) super(value) @numerator_units = numerator_units @denominator_units = denominator_units @options = nil normalize! end # The SassScript `+` operation. # Its functionality depends on the type of its argument: # # {Number} # : Adds the two numbers together, converting units if possible. # # {Color} # : Adds this number to each of the RGB color channels. # # {Value} # : See {Value::Base#plus}. # # @param other [Value] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Value] The result of the operation # @raise [Sass::UnitConversionError] if `other` is a number with incompatible units def plus(other) if other.is_a? Number operate(other, :+) elsif other.is_a?(Color) else super end end # The SassScript binary `-` operation (e.g. `$a - $b`). # Its functionality depends on the type of its argument: # # {Number} # : Subtracts this number from the other, converting units if possible. # # {Value} # : See {Value::Base#minus}. # # @param other [Value] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Value] The result of the operation # @raise [Sass::UnitConversionError] if `other` is a number with incompatible units def minus(other) if other.is_a? Number operate(other, :-) else super end end # The SassScript unary `+` operation (e.g. `+$a`). # # @return [Number] The value of this number def unary_plus self end # The SassScript unary `-` operation (e.g. `-$a`). # # @return [Number] The negative value of this number def unary_minus, @numerator_units, @denominator_units) end # The SassScript `*` operation. # Its functionality depends on the type of its argument: # # {Number} # : Multiplies the two numbers together, converting units appropriately. # # {Color} # : Multiplies each of the RGB color channels by this number. # # @param other [Number, Color] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Number, Color] The result of the operation # @raise [NoMethodError] if `other` is an invalid type def times(other) if other.is_a? Number operate(other, :*) elsif other.is_a? Color other.times(self) else raise, :times) end end # The SassScript `/` operation. # Its functionality depends on the type of its argument: # # {Number} # : Divides this number by the other, converting units appropriately. # # {Value} # : See {Value::Base#div}. # # @param other [Value] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Value] The result of the operation def div(other) if other.is_a? Number res = operate(other, :/) if original && other.original res.original = "#{original}/#{other.original}" end res else super end end # The SassScript `%` operation. # # @param other [Number] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Number] This number modulo the other # @raise [NoMethodError] if `other` is an invalid type # @raise [Sass::UnitConversionError] if `other` has incompatible units def mod(other) if other.is_a?(Number) return if other.value == 0 operate(other, :%) else raise, :mod) end end # The SassScript `==` operation. # # @param other [Value] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Boolean] Whether this number is equal to the other object def eq(other) return Bool::FALSE unless other.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Number) this = self begin if unitless? this = this.coerce(other.numerator_units, other.denominator_units) else other = other.coerce(@numerator_units, @denominator_units) end rescue Sass::UnitConversionError return Bool::FALSE end, other.value)) end def hash [value, numerator_units, denominator_units].hash end # Hash-equality works differently than `==` equality for numbers. # Hash-equality must be transitive, so it just compares the exact value, # numerator units, and denominator units. def eql?(other) basically_equal?(value, other.value) && numerator_units == other.numerator_units && denominator_units == other.denominator_units end # The SassScript `>` operation. # # @param other [Number] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Boolean] Whether this number is greater than the other # @raise [NoMethodError] if `other` is an invalid type def gt(other) raise, :gt) unless other.is_a?(Number) operate(other, :>) end # The SassScript `>=` operation. # # @param other [Number] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Boolean] Whether this number is greater than or equal to the other # @raise [NoMethodError] if `other` is an invalid type def gte(other) raise, :gte) unless other.is_a?(Number) operate(other, :>=) end # The SassScript `<` operation. # # @param other [Number] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Boolean] Whether this number is less than the other # @raise [NoMethodError] if `other` is an invalid type def lt(other) raise, :lt) unless other.is_a?(Number) operate(other, :<) end # The SassScript `<=` operation. # # @param other [Number] The right-hand side of the operator # @return [Boolean] Whether this number is less than or equal to the other # @raise [NoMethodError] if `other` is an invalid type def lte(other) raise, :lte) unless other.is_a?(Number) operate(other, :<=) end # @return [String] The CSS representation of this number # @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if this number has units that can't be used in CSS # (e.g. `px*in`) def to_s(opts = {}) return original if original raise"#{inspect} isn't a valid CSS value.") unless legal_units? inspect end # Returns a readable representation of this number. # # This representation is valid CSS (and valid SassScript) # as long as there is only one unit. # # @return [String] The representation def inspect(opts = {}) return original if original value = self.class.round(self.value) str = value.to_s # Ruby will occasionally print in scientific notation if the number is # small enough. That's technically valid CSS, but it's not well-supported # and confusing. str = ("%0.#{self.class.precision}f" % value).gsub(/0*$/, '') if str.include?('e') # Sometimes numeric formatting will result in a decimal number with a trailing zero (x.0) if str =~ /(.*)\.0$/ str = $1 end # We omit a leading zero before the decimal point in compressed mode. if @options && options[:style] == :compressed str.sub!(/^(-)?0\./, '\1.') end unitless? ? str : "#{str}#{unit_str}" end alias_method :to_sass, :inspect # @return [Integer] The integer value of the number # @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if the number isn't an integer def to_i super unless int? value.to_i end # @return [Boolean] Whether or not this number is an integer. def int? basically_equal?(value % 1, 0.0) end # @return [Boolean] Whether or not this number has no units. def unitless? @numerator_units.empty? && @denominator_units.empty? end # Checks whether the number has the numerator unit specified. # # @example # number =, "px") # number.is_unit?("px") => true # number.is_unit?(nil) => false # # @param unit [::String, nil] The unit the number should have or nil if the number # should be unitless. # @see Number#unitless? The unitless? method may be more readable. def is_unit?(unit) if unit denominator_units.size == 0 && numerator_units.size == 1 && numerator_units.first == unit else unitless? end end # @return [Boolean] Whether or not this number has units that can be represented in CSS # (that is, zero or one \{#numerator\_units}). def legal_units? (@numerator_units.empty? || @numerator_units.size == 1) && @denominator_units.empty? end # Returns this number converted to other units. # The conversion takes into account the relationship between e.g. mm and cm, # as well as between e.g. in and cm. # # If this number has no units, it will simply return itself # with the given units. # # An incompatible coercion, e.g. between px and cm, will raise an error. # # @param num_units [Array] The numerator units to coerce this number into. # See {\#numerator\_units} # @param den_units [Array] The denominator units to coerce this number into. # See {\#denominator\_units} # @return [Number] The number with the new units # @raise [Sass::UnitConversionError] if the given units are incompatible with the number's # current units def coerce(num_units, den_units) unitless? value else value * coercion_factor(@numerator_units, num_units) / coercion_factor(@denominator_units, den_units) end, num_units, den_units) end # @param other [Number] A number to decide if it can be compared with this number. # @return [Boolean] Whether or not this number can be compared with the other. def comparable_to?(other) operate(other, :+) true rescue Sass::UnitConversionError false end # Returns a human readable representation of the units in this number. # For complex units this takes the form of: # numerator_unit1 * numerator_unit2 / denominator_unit1 * denominator_unit2 # @return [String] a string that represents the units in this number def unit_str rv = @numerator_units.sort.join("*") if @denominator_units.any? rv << "/" rv << @denominator_units.sort.join("*") end rv end private # @private # @see Sass::Script::Number.basically_equal? def basically_equal?(num1, num2) self.class.basically_equal?(num1, num2) end # Checks whether two numbers are within an epsilon of each other. # @return [Boolean] def self.basically_equal?(num1, num2) (num1 - num2).abs < epsilon end # @private def self.round(num) if num.is_a?(Float) && (num.infinite? || num.nan?) num elsif basically_equal?(num % 1, 0.0) num.round else ((num * precision_factor).round / precision_factor).to_f end end OPERATIONS = [:+, :-, :<=, :<, :>, :>=, :%] def operate(other, operation) this = self if OPERATIONS.include?(operation) if unitless? this = this.coerce(other.numerator_units, other.denominator_units) else other = other.coerce(@numerator_units, @denominator_units) end end # avoid integer division value = :/ == operation ? this.value.to_f : this.value result = value.send(operation, other.value) if result.is_a?(Numeric), *compute_units(this, other, operation)) else # Boolean op end end def coercion_factor(from_units, to_units) # get a list of unmatched units from_units, to_units = sans_common_units(from_units, to_units) if from_units.size != to_units.size || !convertable?(from_units | to_units) raise "Incompatible units: '#{from_units.join('*')}' and '#{to_units.join('*')}'.") end {|m, p| m * conversion_factor(p[0], p[1])} end def compute_units(this, other, operation) case operation when :* [this.numerator_units + other.numerator_units, this.denominator_units + other.denominator_units] when :/ [this.numerator_units + other.denominator_units, this.denominator_units + other.numerator_units] else [this.numerator_units, this.denominator_units] end end def normalize! return if unitless? @numerator_units, @denominator_units = sans_common_units(@numerator_units, @denominator_units) @denominator_units.each_with_index do |d, i| next unless convertable?(d) && (u = @numerator_units.find {|n| convertable?([n, d])}) @value /= conversion_factor(d, u) @denominator_units.delete_at(i) @numerator_units.delete_at(@numerator_units.index(u)) end end # This is the source data for all the unit logic. It's pre-processed to make # it efficient to figure out whether a set of units is mutually compatible # and what the conversion ratio is between two units. # # These come from relative_sizes = [ { 'in' => Rational(1), 'cm' => Rational(1, 2.54), 'pc' => Rational(1, 6), 'mm' => Rational(1, 25.4), 'q' => Rational(1, 101.6), 'pt' => Rational(1, 72), 'px' => Rational(1, 96) }, { 'deg' => Rational(1, 360), 'grad' => Rational(1, 400), 'rad' => Rational(1, 2 * Math::PI), 'turn' => Rational(1) }, { 's' => Rational(1), 'ms' => Rational(1, 1000) }, { 'Hz' => Rational(1), 'kHz' => Rational(1000) }, { 'dpi' => Rational(1), 'dpcm' => Rational(254, 100), 'dppx' => Rational(96) } ] # A hash from each known unit to the set of units that it's mutually # convertible with. MUTUALLY_CONVERTIBLE = {} do |values| set = values.keys.to_set values.keys.each {|name| MUTUALLY_CONVERTIBLE[name] = set} end # A two-dimensional hash from two units to the conversion ratio between # them. Multiply `X` by `CONVERSION_TABLE[X][Y]` to convert it to `Y`. CONVERSION_TABLE = {} relative_sizes.each do |values| values.each do |(name1, value1)| CONVERSION_TABLE[name1] ||= {} values.each do |(name2, value2)| value = value1 / value2 CONVERSION_TABLE[name1][name2] = value.denominator == 1 ? value.to_i : value.to_f end end end def conversion_factor(from_unit, to_unit) CONVERSION_TABLE[from_unit][to_unit] end def convertable?(units) units = Array(units).to_set return true if units.empty? return false unless (mutually_convertible = MUTUALLY_CONVERTIBLE[units.first]) units.subset?(mutually_convertible) end def sans_common_units(units1, units2) units2 = units2.dup # Can't just use -, because we want px*px to coerce properly to px*mm units1 = do |u| j = units2.index(u) next u unless j units2.delete_at(j) nil end units1.compact! return units1, units2 end end end