module Sass::Script::Tree # A SassScript parse node representing a unary operation, # such as `-$b` or `not true`. # # Currently only `-`, `/`, and `not` are unary operators. class UnaryOperation < Node # @return [Symbol] The operation to perform attr_reader :operator # @return [Script::Node] The parse-tree node for the object of the operator attr_reader :operand # @param operand [Script::Node] See \{#operand} # @param operator [Symbol] See \{#operator} def initialize(operand, operator) @operand = operand @operator = operator super() end # @return [String] A human-readable s-expression representation of the operation def inspect "(#{@operator.inspect} #{@operand.inspect})" end # @see Node#to_sass def to_sass(opts = {}) operand = @operand.to_sass(opts) if @operand.is_a?(Operation) || (@operator == :minus && (operand =~ Sass::SCSS::RX::IDENT) == 0) operand = "(#{@operand.to_sass(opts)})" end op = Sass::Script::Lexer::OPERATORS_REVERSE[@operator] op + (op =~ /[a-z]/ ? " " : "") + operand end # Returns the operand of the operation. # # @return [Array] # @see Node#children def children [@operand] end # @see Node#deep_copy def deep_copy node = dup node.instance_variable_set('@operand', @operand.deep_copy) node end protected # Evaluates the operation. # # @param environment [Sass::Environment] The environment in which to evaluate the SassScript # @return [Sass::Script::Value] The SassScript object that is the value of the operation # @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if the operation is undefined for the operand def _perform(environment) operator = "unary_#{@operator}" value = @operand.perform(environment) value.send(operator) rescue NoMethodError => e raise e unless == operator.to_s raise"Undefined unary operation: \"#{@operator} #{value}\".") end end end