module Responders # This responder modifies your current responder to redirect # to the collection page on POST/PUT/DELETE. module CollectionResponder protected # Returns the collection location for redirecting after POST/PUT/DELETE. # This method, converts the following resources array to the following: # # [:admin, @post] #=> [:admin, :posts] # [@user, @post] #=> [@user, :posts] # # When these new arrays are given to redirect_to, it will generate the # proper URL pointing to the index action. # # [:admin, @post] #=> admin_posts_url # [@user, @post] #=> user_posts_url(@user.to_param) # def navigation_location return options[:location] if options[:location] klass = resources.last.class if klass.respond_to?(:model_name) resources[0...-1] << klass.model_name.route_key.to_sym else resources end end end end