== v0.20.0 [2017-03-10] Michael Granger Enhancements: - Update error codes to PostgreSQL-9.6 - Update Windows binary gems to Ruby-2.4, PostgreSQL 9.6.1 and OpenSSL 1.0.2j. - Add support for RubyInstaller2 to Windows binary gems. Bugfixes: - Use secure JSON methods for JSON (de)serialisation. #248 - Fix Result#inspect on a cleared result. - Fix test case that failed on Ruby-2.4. #255 Documentation fixes: - Talk about Integer instead of Fixnum. - Fix method signature of Coder#encode. == v0.19.0 [2016-09-21] Michael Granger - Deprecate Ruby 1.9 Enhancements: - Respect and convert character encoding of all strings sent to the server. #231 - Add PostgreSQL-9.5 functions PQsslInUse(), PQsslAttribute() and PQsslAttributeNames(). - Various documentation fixes and improvements. - Add mechanism to build without pg_config: gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=ignore - Update Windows binary gems to Ruby-2.3, PostgreSQL 9.5.4 and OpenSSL 1.0.2f. - Add JSON coders and add them to BasicTypeMapForResults and BasicTypeMapBasedOnResult - Allow build from git per bundler. Bugfixes: - Release GVL while calling PQsetClientEncoding(). #245 - Add __EXTENSIONS__ to Solaris/SmartOS for Ruby >= 2.3.x. #236 - Fix wrong exception when running SQL while in Connection#copy_data block for output == v0.18.4 [2015-11-13] Michael Granger Enhancements: - Fixing compilation problems with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. GH #10 - Avoid name clash with xcode and jemalloc. PR#22, PR#23 Bugfixes: - Avoid segfault, when quote_ident or TextEncoder::Identifier is called with Array containing non-strings. #226 == v0.18.3 [2015-09-03] Michael Granger Enhancements: - Use rake-compiler-dock to build windows gems easily. - Add CI-tests on appveyor and fix test cases accordingly. Bugfixes: - Fix data type resulting in wrong base64 encoding. - Change instance_of checks to kind_of for subclassing. #220 - TextDecoder::Date returns an actual Ruby Date instead of a Time (thanks to Thomas Ramfjord) == v0.18.2 [2015-05-14] Michael Granger Enhancements: - Allow URI connection string (thanks to Chris Bandy) - Allow Array type parameter to conn.quote_ident Bugfixes: - Speedups and fixes for PG::TextDecoder::Identifier and quoting behavior - Revert addition of PG::Connection#hostaddr [#202]. - Fix decoding of fractional timezones and timestamps [#203] - Fixes for non-C99 compilers - Avoid possible symbol name clash when linking againt static libpq. == v0.18.1 [2015-01-05] Michael Granger Correct the minimum compatible Ruby version to 1.9.3. #199 == v0.18.0 [2015-01-01] Michael Granger Bugfixes: - Fix OID to Integer mapping (it is unsigned now). #187 - Fix possible segfault in conjunction with notice receiver. #185 Enhancements: - Add an extensible type cast system. - A lot of performance improvements. - Return frozen String objects for result field names. - Add PG::Result#stream_each and #stream_each_row as fast helpers for the single row mode. - Add Enumerator variant to PG::Result#each and #each_row. - Add PG::Connection#conninfo and #hostaddr. - Add PG.init_openssl and PG.init_ssl methods. - Add PG::Result.inspect - Force zero termination for all text strings that are given to libpq. It raises an ArgumentError if the string contains a null byte. - Update Windows cross build to PostgreSQL 9.3. == v0.17.1 [2013-12-18] Michael Granger Bugfixes: - Fix compatibility with signal handlers defined in Ruby. This reverts cancelation of queries running on top of the blocking libpq API (like Connection#exec) in case of signals. As an alternative the #async_exec can be used, which is reverted to use the non-blocking API, again. - Wrap PQcancel to be called without GVL. It internally waits for the canceling connection. Documentation fixes: - Fix documentation for PG::Connection::conndefaults. == v0.17.0 [2013-09-15] Michael Granger Bugfixes: - Fix crash by calling PQsend* and PQisBusy without GVL (#171). Enhancements: - Add method PG::Connection#copy_data. - Add a Gemfile to allow installation of dependencies with bundler. - Add compatibility with rake-compiler-dev-box. - Return self from PG::Result#check instead of nil. This allows to stack method calls. == v0.16.0 [2013-07-22] Michael Granger Bugfixes: - Avoid warnings about uninitialized instance variables. - Use a more standard method of adding library and include directories. This fixes build on AIX (Github #7) and Solaris (#164). - Cancel the running query, if a thread is about to be killed (e.g. by CTRL-C). - Fix GVL issue with wait_for_notify/notifies and notice callbacks. - Set proper encoding on the string returned by quote_ident, escape_literal and escape_identifier (#163). - Use nil as PG::Error#result in case of a NULL-result from libpq (#166). - Recalculate the timeout of conn#wait_for_notify and conn#block in case of socket events that require re-runs of select(). Documentation fixes: - Fix non working example for PGresult#error_field. Enhancements: - Add unique exception classes for each PostgreSQL error type (#5). - Return result of the block in conn#transaction instead of nil (#158). - Allow 'rake compile' and 'rake gem' on non mercurial repos. - Add support for PG_DIAG_*_NAME error fields of PostgreSQL-9.3 (#161). == v0.15.1 [2013-04-08] Michael Granger Bugfixes: - Shorten application_name to avoid warnings about truncated identifier. == v0.15.0 [2013-03-03] Michael Granger Bugfixes: - Fix segfault in PG::Result#field_values when called with non String value. - Fix encoding of messages delivered by notice callbacks. - Fix text encoding for Connection#wait_for_notify and Connection#notifies. - Fix 'Bad file descriptor' problems under Windows: wrong behaviour of #wait_for_notify() and timeout handling of #block on Ruby 1.9. Documentation fixes: - conn#socket() can not be used with IO.for_fd() on Windows. Enhancements: - Tested under Ruby 2.0.0p0. - Add single row mode of PostgreSQL 9.2. - Set fallback_application_name to programm name $0. Thanks to Will Leinweber for the patch. - Release Ruby's GVL while calls to blocking libpq functions to allow better concurrency in threaded applications. - Refactor different variants of waiting for the connection socket. - Make use of rb_thread_fd_select() on Ruby 1.9 and avoid deprecated rb_thread_select(). - Add an example of how to insert array data using a prepared statement (#145). - Add continous integration tests on travis-ci.org. - Add PG::Result#each_row for iterative over result sets by row. Thanks to Aaron Patterson for the patch. - Add a PG::Connection#socket_io method for fetching a (non-autoclosing) IO object for the connection's socket. Specs: - Fix various specs to run on older PostgreSQL and Ruby versions. - Avoid fork() in specs to allow usage on Windows and JRuby. == v0.14.1 [2012-09-02] Michael Granger Important bugfix: - Fix stack overflow bug in PG::Result#values and #column_values (#135). Thanks to everyone who reported the bug, and Lars Kanis especially for figuring out the problem. PostgreSQL 9.2 beta fixes: - Recognize PGRES_SINGLE_TUPLE as OK when checking PGresult (Jeremy Evans) Documentation fixes: - Add note about the usage scope of the result object received by the #set_notice_receiver block. (Lars Kanis) - Add PGRES_COPY_BOTH to documentation of PG::Result#result_status. (Lars Kanis) - Add some documentation to PG::Result#fnumber (fix for #139) == v0.14.0 [2012-06-17] Michael Granger Bugfixes: #47, #104 New Methods for PostgreSQL 9 and async API support: PG - ::library_version PG::Connection - ::ping - #escape_literal - #escape_identifier - #set_default_encoding PG::Result - #check New Samples: This release also comes with a collection of contributed sample scripts for doing resource-utilization reports, graphing database statistics, monitoring for replication lag, shipping WAL files for replication, automated tablespace partitioning, etc. See the samples/ directory. == v0.13.2 [2012-02-22] Michael Granger - Make builds against PostgreSQL earlier than 8.3 fail with a descriptive message instead of a compile failure. == v0.13.1 [2012-02-12] Michael Granger - Made use of a finished PG::Connection raise a PG::Error instead of a fatal error (#110). - Added missing BSDL license file (#108) == v0.13.0 [2012-02-09] Michael Granger Reorganization of modules/classes to be better Ruby citizens (with backward-compatible aliases): - Created toplevel namespace 'PG' to correspond with the gem name. - Renamed PGconn to PG::Connection (with ::PGconn alias) - Renamed PGresult to PG::Result (with ::PGresult alias) - Renamed PGError to PG::Error (with ::PGError alias) - Declare all constants inside PG::Constants, then include them in PG::Connection and PG::Result for backward-compatibility, and in PG for convenience. - Split the extension source up by class/module. - Removed old compatibility code for PostgreSQL versions < 8.3 Documentation: - Clarified licensing, updated to Ruby 1.9's license. - Merged authors list, added some missing people to the Contributor's list. - Cleaned up the sample/ directory - Making contact info a bit clearer, link to the Google+ page and the mailing list Enhancements: - Added a convenience method: PG.connect -> PG::Connection.new Bugfixes: - Fixed LATIN5-LATIN10 Postgres<->Ruby encoding conversions == v0.12.2 [2012-01-03] Michael Granger - Fix for the 1.8.7 breakage introduced by the st.h fix for alternative Ruby implementations (#97 and #98). Thanks to Lars Kanis for the patch. - Encode error messages with the connection's encoding under 1.9 (#96) == v0.12.1 [2011-12-14] Michael Granger - Made rake-compiler a dev dependency, as Rubygems doesn't use the Rakefile for compiling the extension. Thanks to eolamey@bitbucket and Jeremy Evans for pointing this out. - Added an explicit include for ruby/st.h for implementations that need it (fixes #95). == v0.12.0 [2011-12-07] Michael Granger - PGconn#wait_for_notify * send nil as the payload argument if the NOTIFY didn't have one. * accept a nil argument for no timeout (Sequel support) * Fixed API docs * Taint and encode event name and payload - Handle errors while rb_thread_select()ing in PGconn#block. (Brian Weaver). - Fixes for Win32 async queries (RafaƂ Bigaj) - Memory leak fixed: Closing opened WSA event. (rafal) - Fixes for #66 Win32 asynchronous queries hang on connection error. (rafal) - Fixed a typo in PGconn#error_message's documentation - fixing unused variable warnings for ruby 1.9.3 (Aaron Patterson) - Build system bugfixes - Converted to Hoe - Updates for the Win32 binary gem builds (Lars Kanis) == v0.11.0 [2011-02-09] Michael Granger Enhancements: * Added a PGresult#values method to fetch all result rows as an Array of Arrays. Thanks to Jason Yanowitz (JYanowitz at enovafinancial dot com) for the patch. == v0.10.1 [2011-01-19] Michael Granger Bugfixes: * Add an include guard for pg.h * Simplify the common case require of the ext * Include the extconf header * Fix compatibility with versions of PostgreSQL without PQgetCancel. (fixes #36) * Fix require for natively-compiled extension under Windows. (fixes #55) * Change rb_yield_splat() to rb_yield_values() for compatibility with Rubinius. (fixes #54) == v0.10.0 [2010-12-01] Michael Granger Enhancements: * Added support for the payload of NOTIFY events (w/Mahlon E. Smith) * Updated the build system with Rubygems suggestions from RubyConf 2010 Bugfixes: * Fixed issue with PGconn#wait_for_notify that caused it to miss notifications that happened after the LISTEN but before the wait_for_notify. == v0.9.0 [2010-02-28] Michael Granger Bugfixes. == v0.8.0 [2009-03-28] Jeff Davis Bugfixes, better Windows support.