== 0.5.0

  * Only send relation modifiers to ActiveRecord if they apply (don't send #order, #limit, #offset unless specified)
    Fixes plataformatec/devise#2711, ianwhite/orm_adapter#22

== 0.4.1

  * Adds activerecord 4 to the test suite

== 0.4.0

  * Adds :limit, and :offset options to #find_all [Fred Wu]

== 0.3.0

  * Removes OrmAdapter::Base.model_classes and friends.  This is a BC breaking change if you use .model_classes [Ian White]
  * Add note about the scope of ORM Adapter re: model instance methods

== 0.2.0

  * Normalise :id in find conditions [Tim Galeckas, Ian White]
  * Allow find_first and find_all to take no arguments [Tim Galeckas, Ian White]

== 0.1.0

  * Add #destroy(object) to the API [Fred Wu]

== 0.0.7

  * Lazy load Active Record [José Valim]

== 0.0.6

  * Active Record 3.1 association compatibility [Ian White]
  * Compatibility with mongoid master wrt. OrmAdapter::Base#get [Frank Wöckener]. Closes #9 [Ian White]

== 0.0.5

  * Adds Mongo Mapper adapter [Luke Cunningham]

== 0.0.4

  * Adds ability to order results from #find_first and #find_all [Ian White]
  * Rationalise development dependencies and release process [Ian White]

== 0.0.3

  * ActiveRecord's OrmAdapter handles non standard foreign key names [Ian White]
  * fix ruby 1.9.2 problems. [Ian White]
    - removes "can't add a new key into hash during iteration" problem with ActiveRecord OrmAdapter
    - removes problem with rspec 2 mocks interacting with ruby 1.9.2 #to_ary

== 0.0.2

  * Add #get to the API. Ensure both #get and #get! complies with to_key requirements. [José Valim]
  * Extract tests into shared example. Give instructions on how to write a new adapter. [Ian White]

== 0.0.1

  * Initial release [Ian White, José Valim]