module Hashie module Extensions module DeepMerge # Returns a new hash with +self+ and +other_hash+ merged recursively. def deep_merge(other_hash, &block) copy = dup copy.extend(Hashie::Extensions::DeepMerge) unless copy.respond_to?(:deep_merge!) copy.deep_merge!(other_hash, &block) end # Returns a new hash with +self+ and +other_hash+ merged recursively. # Modifies the receiver in place. def deep_merge!(other_hash, &block) return self unless other_hash.is_a?(::Hash) _recursive_merge(self, other_hash, &block) self end private def _recursive_merge(hash, other_hash, &block) other_hash.each do |k, v| hash[k] = if hash.key?(k) && hash[k].is_a?(::Hash) && v.is_a?(::Hash) _recursive_merge(hash[k], v, &block) elsif hash.key?(k) && block_given? yield(k, hash[k], v) else v.respond_to?(:deep_dup) ? v.deep_dup : v end end hash end end end end