RSpec.describe Operations::Each do subject(:operation) { } include_context 'predicates' let(:is_string) { } describe '#call' do it 'applies its rules to all elements in the input' do expect(operation.(['Address'])).to be_success expect(operation.([nil, 'Address'])).to be_failure expect(operation.([:Address, 'Address'])).to be_failure end end describe '#to_ast' do it 'returns ast' do expect(operation.to_ast).to eql([:each, [:predicate, [:str?, [[:input, Undefined]]]]]) end it 'returns result ast' do expect(operation.([nil, 12, nil]).to_ast).to eql( [:set, [ [:key, [0, [:predicate, [:str?, [[:input, nil]]]]]], [:key, [1, [:predicate, [:str?, [[:input, 12]]]]]], [:key, [2, [:predicate, [:str?, [[:input, nil]]]]]] ]] ) end it 'returns failure result ast' do expect(operation.with(id: :tags).([nil, 'red', 12]).to_ast).to eql( [:failure, [:tags, [:set, [ [:key, [0, [:predicate, [:str?, [[:input, nil]]]]]], [:key, [2, [:predicate, [:str?, [[:input, 12]]]]]] ]]]] ) end end describe '#to_s' do it 'returns string representation' do expect(operation.to_s).to eql('each(str?)') end end end