# config valid for current version and patch releases of Capistrano lock "~> <%= Capistrano::VERSION %>" set :application, "my_app_name" set :repo_url, "git@example.com:me/my_repo.git" # Default branch is :master # ask :branch, `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chomp # Default deploy_to directory is /var/www/my_app_name # set :deploy_to, "/var/www/my_app_name" # Default value for :format is :airbrussh. # set :format, :airbrussh # You can configure the Airbrussh format using :format_options. # These are the defaults. # set :format_options, command_output: true, log_file: "log/capistrano.log", color: :auto, truncate: :auto # Default value for :pty is false # set :pty, true # Default value for :linked_files is [] # append :linked_files, "config/database.yml" # Default value for linked_dirs is [] # append :linked_dirs, "log", "tmp/pids", "tmp/cache", "tmp/sockets", "public/system" # Default value for default_env is {} # set :default_env, { path: "/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH" } # Default value for local_user is ENV['USER'] # set :local_user, -> { `git config user.name`.chomp } # Default value for keep_releases is 5 # set :keep_releases, 5 # Uncomment the following to require manually verifying the host key before first deploy. # set :ssh_options, verify_host_key: :secure