require 'spec_helper' describe BootstrapNavbar::Helpers::Bootstrap2 do before do BootstrapNavbar.configure do |config| config.current_url_method = '"/"' config.bootstrap_version = '2.0.0' end end it 'includes the correct module' do expect(renderer.class.ancestors).to include(BootstrapNavbar::Helpers::Bootstrap2) expect(renderer.class.ancestors).to_not include(BootstrapNavbar::Helpers::Bootstrap3) end describe '#navbar' do context 'without parameters' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar' }) do with_tag :div, with: { class: 'navbar-inner' } do with_tag :div, with: { class: 'container' } end end end end context 'with a block' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar { 'foo' }).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar' }, text: /foo/) end end context 'with "static" parameter' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar(static: 'top')).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar navbar-static-top' }) expect(renderer.navbar(static: 'bottom')).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar navbar-static-bottom' }) end end context 'with "fixed" parameter' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar(fixed: 'top')).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar navbar-fixed-top' }) expect(renderer.navbar(fixed: 'bottom')).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar navbar-fixed-bottom' }) end end context 'with "inverse" parameter' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar(inverse: true)).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar navbar-inverse' }) end end context 'with "brand" and "brank_link" parameters' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar(brand: 'foo')).to have_tag(:a, with: { href: '/', class: 'brand' }, text: /foo/) expect(renderer.navbar(brand: 'foo', brand_link: '')).to have_tag(:a, with: { href: '', class: 'brand' }, text: /foo/) expect(renderer.navbar(brand_link: '')).to have_tag(:a, with: { href: '', class: 'brand' }) end end context 'with "responsive" parameter' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar(responsive: true)).to have_tag(:a, with: { class: 'btn btn-navbar', :'data-toggle' => 'collapse', :'data-target' => '.nav-collapse' }) do 3.times do with_tag :span, with: { class: 'icon-bar' } end end with_bootstrap_versions %w(2.2.0 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3.0 2.3.1 2.3.2) do expect(renderer.navbar(responsive: true)).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'nav-collapse collapse' }) end with_bootstrap_versions %w(2.0.0 2.0.1 2.0.2 2.0.3 2.0.4 2.1.0 2.1.1) do expect(renderer.navbar(responsive: true)).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'nav-collapse' }) end end end context 'with "fluid" parameter' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar(fluid: true)).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'container-fluid' }) end end context 'with wrapper parameters' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar({}, class: 'my-wrapper-class', id: 'my-wrapper-id')).to have_tag(:div, with: { class: 'navbar my-wrapper-class', id: 'my-wrapper-id' }) end end end describe '#navbar_group' do context 'without parameters' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_group).to have_tag(:ul, with: { class: 'nav' }) expect(renderer.navbar_group { 'foo' }).to have_tag(:ul, with: { class: 'nav' }, text: /foo/) end end context 'with "pull" parameter' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_group(pull: 'right')).to have_tag(:ul, with: { class: 'nav pull-right' }) end end context 'with "class" parameter' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_group(class: 'foo')).to have_tag(:ul, with: { class: 'nav foo' }) end end context 'with random parameters' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_group(:'data-foo' => 'bar')).to have_tag(:ul, with: { class: 'nav', :'data-foo' => 'bar' }) end end context 'with many parameters' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_group(pull: 'right', class: 'foo', :'data-foo' => 'bar')).to have_tag(:ul, with: { class: 'nav foo pull-right', :'data-foo' => 'bar' }) end end end describe '#navbar_item' do it_behaves_like 'marking the navbar items as active correctly' context 'with root URL' do context 'with list item options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do BootstrapNavbar.configuration.current_url_method = '"/"' expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo', '/', class: 'bar', id: 'baz')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'active bar', id: 'baz' }) end end context 'with link options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do BootstrapNavbar.configuration.current_url_method = '"/"' expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo', '/', {}, class: 'pelle', id: 'fant')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'active' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/', class: 'pelle', id: 'fant' }, text: /foo/ end end end context 'with list item options and link options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do BootstrapNavbar.configuration.current_url_method = '"/"' expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo', '/', { class: 'bar', id: 'baz' }, class: 'pelle', id: 'fant')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'active bar', id: 'baz' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/', class: 'pelle', id: 'fant' }, text: /foo/ end end end end context 'without current URL' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do BootstrapNavbar.configuration.current_url_method = '"/foo"' expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo')).to have_tag(:li, without: { class: 'active' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#' }, text: /foo/ end expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo', '/')).to have_tag(:li, without: { class: 'active' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/' }, text: /foo/ end expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo', '/bar')).to have_tag(:li, without: { class: 'active' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/bar' }, text: /foo/ end BootstrapNavbar.configuration.current_url_method = '"/"' expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo', '/foo')).to have_tag(:li, without: { class: 'active' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/foo' }, text: /foo/ end end context 'with list item options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do BootstrapNavbar.configuration.current_url_method = '"/foo"' expect(renderer.navbar_item('foo', '/', class: 'bar', id: 'baz')).to have_tag(:li, without: { class: 'active' }, with: { class: 'bar', id: 'baz' }) end end end context 'with a block' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_item { 'bar' }).to have_tag(:li) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#' }, text: /bar/ end end context 'with list item options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_item('/foo', class: 'pelle', id: 'fant') { 'bar' }).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'pelle', id: 'fant' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/foo' }, text: /bar/ end end end context 'with link options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_item('/foo', {}, class: 'pelle', id: 'fant') { 'bar' }).to have_tag(:li) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/foo', class: 'pelle', id: 'fant' }, text: /bar/ end end end context 'with list item options and link options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_item('/foo', { class: 'bar', id: 'baz' }, class: 'pelle', id: 'fant') { 'shnoo' }).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'bar', id: 'baz' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '/foo', class: 'pelle', id: 'fant' }, text: /shnoo/ end end end end end context 'dropdowns' do def with_dropdown_menu(content = nil) options = { with: { class: 'dropdown-menu' } } options[:content] = content unless content.nil? with_tag :ul, options end describe '#navbar_dropdown' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_dropdown('foo')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'dropdown' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#', class: 'dropdown-toggle', :'data-toggle' => 'dropdown' } do with_text /foo/ with_tag :b, with: { class: 'caret' } end with_dropdown_menu end expect(renderer.navbar_dropdown('foo') { 'bar' }).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'dropdown' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#', class: 'dropdown-toggle', :'data-toggle' => 'dropdown' } do with_text /foo/ with_tag :b, with: { class: 'caret' } end with_dropdown_menu('bar') end end end describe '#navbar_sub_dropdown' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_sub_dropdown('foo')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'dropdown-submenu' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#' }, text: /foo/ with_dropdown_menu end expect(renderer.navbar_sub_dropdown('foo') { 'bar' }).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'dropdown-submenu' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#' }, text: /foo/ with_dropdown_menu('bar') end end context 'with list item options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_sub_dropdown('foo', class: 'bar', id: 'baz')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'dropdown-submenu bar', id: 'baz' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#' }, text: /foo/ end end end context 'with link options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_sub_dropdown('foo', {}, class: 'pelle', id: 'fant')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'dropdown-submenu' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#', class: 'pelle', id: 'fant' }, text: /foo/ end end end context 'with list item options and link options' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_sub_dropdown('foo', { class: 'bar', id: 'baz' }, class: 'pelle', id: 'fant')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'dropdown-submenu bar', id: 'baz' }) do with_tag :a, with: { href: '#', class: 'pelle', id: 'fant' }, text: /foo/ end end end end end describe '#navbar_dropdown_divider' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_dropdown_divider).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'divider' }, text: '') end end describe '#navbar_dropdown_header' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_dropdown_header('foo')).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'nav-header' }, text: /foo/) end end describe '#navbar_divider' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_divider).to have_tag(:li, with: { class: 'divider-vertical' }, text: '') end end describe '#navbar_text' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_text('foo')).to have_tag(:p, with: { class: 'navbar-text' }, text: /foo/) expect(renderer.navbar_text { 'foo' }).to have_tag(:p, with: { class: 'navbar-text' }, text: /foo/) expect(renderer.navbar_text('foo', 'right')).to have_tag(:p, with: { class: 'navbar-text pull-right' }, text: /foo/) expect(renderer.navbar_text(nil, 'left') { 'foo' }).to have_tag(:p, with: { class: 'navbar-text pull-left' }, text: /foo/) end end describe '#navbar_brand_link' do it 'generates the correct HTML' do expect(renderer.navbar_brand_link('foo')).to have_tag(:a, with: { class: 'brand', href: '/' }, text: /foo/) expect(renderer.navbar_brand_link('foo', '/foo')).to have_tag(:a, with: { class: 'brand', href: '/foo' }, text: /foo/) end end end