# # these tests taken from the HTML5 sanitization project and modified for use with Loofah # see the original here: http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/source/browse/ruby/test/test_sanitizer.rb # # license text at the bottom of this file # require "helper" class Html5TestSanitizer < Loofah::TestCase include Loofah def sanitize_xhtml stream Loofah.fragment(stream).scrub!(:escape).to_xhtml end def sanitize_html stream Loofah.fragment(stream).scrub!(:escape).to_html end def check_sanitization(input, htmloutput, xhtmloutput, rexmloutput) ## libxml uses double-quotes, so let's swappo-boppo our quotes before comparing. sane = sanitize_html(input).gsub('"',"'") htmloutput = htmloutput.gsub('"',"'") xhtmloutput = xhtmloutput.gsub('"',"'") rexmloutput = rexmloutput.gsub('"',"'") ## HTML5's parsers are shit. there's so much inconsistency with what has closing tags, etc, that ## it would require a lot of manual hacking to make the tests match libxml's output. ## instead, I'm taking the shotgun approach, and trying to match any of the described outputs. assert((htmloutput == sane) || (rexmloutput == sane) || (xhtmloutput == sane), %Q{given: "#{input}"\nexpected: "#{htmloutput}"\ngot: "#{sane}"}) end def assert_completes_in_reasonable_time &block t0 = Time.now block.call assert_in_delta t0, Time.now, 0.1 # arbitrary seconds end (HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_ELEMENTS).each do |tag_name| define_method "test_should_allow_#{tag_name}_tag" do input = "<#{tag_name} title='1'>foo bar baz" htmloutput = "<#{tag_name.downcase} title='1'>foo <bad>bar</bad> baz" xhtmloutput = "<#{tag_name} title='1'>foo <bad>bar</bad> baz" rexmloutput = xhtmloutput if %w[caption colgroup optgroup option tbody td tfoot th thead tr].include?(tag_name) htmloutput = "foo <bad>bar</bad> baz" xhtmloutput = htmloutput elsif tag_name == 'col' htmloutput = "foo <bad>bar</bad> baz" xhtmloutput = htmloutput rexmloutput = "" elsif tag_name == 'table' htmloutput = "foo <bad>bar</bad>baz
" xhtmloutput = htmloutput elsif tag_name == 'image' htmloutput = "foo <bad>bar</bad> baz" xhtmloutput = htmloutput rexmloutput = "foo <bad>bar</bad> baz" elsif HTML5::SafeList::VOID_ELEMENTS.include?(tag_name) htmloutput = "<#{tag_name} title='1'>foo <bad>bar</bad> baz" xhtmloutput = htmloutput htmloutput += '
' if tag_name == 'br' rexmloutput = "<#{tag_name} title='1' />" end check_sanitization(input, htmloutput, xhtmloutput, rexmloutput) end end ## ## libxml2 downcases elements, so this is moot. ## # HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_ELEMENTS.each do |tag_name| # define_method "test_should_forbid_#{tag_name.upcase}_tag" do # input = "<#{tag_name.upcase} title='1'>foo bar baz" # output = "<#{tag_name.upcase} title=\"1\">foo <bad>bar</bad> baz</#{tag_name.upcase}>" # check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) # end # end HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute_name| next if attribute_name == 'style' define_method "test_should_allow_#{attribute_name}_attribute" do input = "

foo bar baz

" if %w[checked compact disabled ismap multiple nohref noshade nowrap readonly selected].include?(attribute_name) output = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" htmloutput = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" else output = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" htmloutput = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" end check_sanitization(input, htmloutput, output, output) end end def test_should_allow_data_attributes input = "

foo bar baz

" output = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" htmloutput = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" check_sanitization(input, htmloutput, output, output) end def test_should_allow_multi_word_data_attributes input = "

foo bar baz

" output = htmloutput = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" check_sanitization(input, htmloutput, output, output) end def test_should_allow_contenteditable input = '


' output = '


' check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end ## ## libxml2 downcases attributes, so this is moot. ## # HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute_name| # define_method "test_should_forbid_#{attribute_name.upcase}_attribute" do # input = "

foo bar baz

" # output = "

foo <bad>bar</bad> baz

" # check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) # end # end HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS.each do |protocol| define_method "test_should_allow_#{protocol}_uris" do input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end end HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS.each do |protocol| define_method "test_should_allow_uppercase_#{protocol}_uris" do input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end end HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_URI_DATA_MEDIATYPES.each do |data_uri_type| define_method "test_should_allow_data_#{data_uri_type}_uris" do input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end end HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_URI_DATA_MEDIATYPES.each do |data_uri_type| define_method "test_should_allow_uppercase_data_#{data_uri_type}_uris" do input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end end def test_should_disallow_other_uri_mediatypes input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) input = %(foo) output = "foo" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end HTML5::SafeList::SVG_ALLOW_LOCAL_HREF.each do |tag_name| next unless HTML5::SafeList::ALLOWED_ELEMENTS.include?(tag_name) define_method "test_#{tag_name}_should_allow_local_href" do input = %(<#{tag_name} xlink:href="#foo"/>) output = "<#{tag_name.downcase} xlink:href='#foo'>" xhtmloutput = "<#{tag_name} xlink:href='#foo'>" check_sanitization(input, output, xhtmloutput, xhtmloutput) end define_method "test_#{tag_name}_should_allow_local_href_with_newline" do input = %(<#{tag_name} xlink:href="\n#foo"/>) output = "<#{tag_name.downcase} xlink:href='\n#foo'>" xhtmloutput = "<#{tag_name} xlink:href='\n#foo'>" check_sanitization(input, output, xhtmloutput, xhtmloutput) end define_method "test_#{tag_name}_should_forbid_nonlocal_href" do input = %(<#{tag_name} xlink:href="http://bad.com/foo"/>) output = "<#{tag_name.downcase}>" xhtmloutput = "<#{tag_name}>" check_sanitization(input, output, xhtmloutput, xhtmloutput) end define_method "test_#{tag_name}_should_forbid_nonlocal_href_with_newline" do input = %(<#{tag_name} xlink:href="\nhttp://bad.com/foo"/>) output = "<#{tag_name.downcase}>" xhtmloutput = "<#{tag_name}>" check_sanitization(input, output, xhtmloutput, xhtmloutput) end end def test_figure_element_is_valid fragment = Loofah.scrub_fragment("hello
", :prune) assert fragment.at_css("figure"), "
tag was scrubbed" end ## ## as tenderlove says, "care < 0" ## # def test_should_handle_astral_plane_characters # input = "


" # output = "

\360\235\222\265 \360\235\224\270

" # check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) # input = "

\360\235\224\270 a

" # output = "

\360\235\224\270 a

" # check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) # end # This affects only NS4. Is it worth fixing? # def test_javascript_includes # input = %(
) # output = "
" # check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) # end ## ## these tests primarily test the parser logic, not the sanitizer ## logic. i call bullshit. we're not writing a test suite for ## libxml2 here, so let's rely on the unit tests above to take care ## of our valid elements and attributes. ## require 'json' Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'assets', 'testdata_sanitizer_tests1.dat')].each do |filename| JSON::parse(open(filename).read).each do |test| it "testdata sanitizer #{test['name']}" do check_sanitization( test['input'], test['output'], test['xhtml'] || test['output'], test['rexml'] || test['output'] ) end end end ## added because we don't have any coverage above on SVG_ATTR_VAL_ALLOWS_REF HTML5::SafeList::SVG_ATTR_VAL_ALLOWS_REF.each do |attr_name| define_method "test_should_allow_uri_refs_in_svg_attribute_#{attr_name}" do input = "" output = "" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end define_method "test_absolute_uri_refs_in_svg_attribute_#{attr_name}" do input = "" output = "" check_sanitization(input, output, output, output) end end def test_css_list_style html = '
    ' sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :escape).to_xml) assert_match %r/list-style/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_negative_value_sanitization html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :escape).to_xml) assert_match %r/-0.03em/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_negative_value_sanitization_shorthand_css_properties html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :escape).to_xml) assert_match %r/-0.05em/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_high_precision_value_shorthand_css_properties html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :escape).to_xml) assert_match %r/0.3333333334em/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_rem_value html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :escape).to_xml) assert_match %r/10rem/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_function_sanitization_leaves_safelisted_functions_calc html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_html) assert_match %r/calc\(5%\)/, sane.inner_html html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_html) assert_match %r/calc\(5%\)/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_function_sanitization_leaves_safelisted_functions_rgb html = '' sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_html) assert_match %r/rgb\(255, 0, 0\)/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_function_sanitization_leaves_safelisted_list_style_type html = "
      " sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_html) assert_match %r/list-style-type:lower-greek/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_function_sanitization_strips_style_attributes_with_unsafe_functions html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_html) assert_match %r/<\/span>/, sane.inner_html html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_html) assert_match %r/<\/span>/, sane.inner_html end def test_css_max_width html = '
      ' sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :escape).to_xml) assert_match %r/max-width/, sane.inner_html end def test_issue_90_slow_regex skip("timing tests are hard to make pass and have little regression-testing value") html = %q{} assert_completes_in_reasonable_time { Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_html) } end def test_upper_case_css_property html = "
      " sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_xml) assert_match(/COLOR:\s*BLUE/i, sane.at_css("div")["style"]) refute_match(/NOTAPROPERTY/i, sane.at_css("div")["style"]) end def test_many_properties_some_allowed html = "
      " sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_xml) assert_match(/bold\s+center\s+10px/, sane.at_css("div")["style"]) end def test_many_properties_non_allowed html = "
      " sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_xml) assert_nil sane.at_css("div")["style"] end def test_svg_properties html = "" sane = Nokogiri::HTML(Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, :strip).to_xml) assert_match(/stroke-width:\s*10px/, sane.at_css("line")["style"]) end end # # # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Authors # # Contributors: # James Graham - jg307@cam.ac.uk # Anne van Kesteren - annevankesteren@gmail.com # Lachlan Hunt - lachlan.hunt@lachy.id.au # Matt McDonald - kanashii@kanashii.ca # Sam Ruby - rubys@intertwingly.net # Ian Hickson (Google) - ian@hixie.ch # Thomas Broyer - t.broyer@ltgt.net # Jacques Distler - distler@golem.ph.utexas.edu # Henri Sivonen - hsivonen@iki.fi # The Mozilla Foundation (contributions from Henri Sivonen since 2008) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # #