require "rake/clean" require "rake/testtask" require "bundler/gem_tasks" task :default => :test # FIXME: Redefining :test task to run test/options_test.rb in isolated process since it depends on whether Rails is loaded or not. # Remove this task when we finished changing escape_html option to be true by default. isolated_test = do |t| t.libs << 'test' t.test_files = %w[test/options_test.rb] t.warning = true t.verbose = true end do |t| t.libs << 'test' t.test_files = Dir['test/*_test.rb'] + Dir['test/haml-spec/*_test.rb'] - isolated_test.file_list t.warning = true t.verbose = true end CLEAN.replace %w(pkg doc coverage .yardoc test/haml vendor) desc "Benchmark Haml against ERB. TIMES=n sets the number of runs, default is 1000." task :benchmark do sh "ruby benchmark.rb #{ENV['TIMES']}" end task :set_coverage_env do ENV["COVERAGE"] = "true" end desc "Run Simplecov" task :coverage => [:set_coverage_env, :test] task :submodules do if File.exist?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/.git") sh %{git submodule sync} sh %{git submodule update --init --recursive} end end namespace :doc do task :sass do require 'sass' Dir["yard/default/**/*.sass"].each do |sass|$/, 'css'), 'w') do |f| f.write( end end end desc "List all undocumented methods and classes." task :undocumented do command = 'yard --list --query ' command << '"object.docstring.blank? && ' command << '!(object.type == :method && object.is_alias?)"' sh command end end desc "Generate documentation" task(:doc => 'doc:sass') {sh "yard"} desc "Generate documentation incrementally" task(:redoc) {sh "yard -c"} desc <<END Profile Haml. TIMES=n sets the number of runs. Defaults to 1000. FILE=str sets the file to profile. Defaults to 'standard' OUTPUT=str sets the ruby-prof output format. Can be Flat, CallInfo, or Graph. Defaults to Flat. Defaults to Flat. END task :profile do times = (ENV['TIMES'] || '1000').to_i file = ENV['FILE'] || 'test/templates/standard.haml' require 'bundler/setup' require 'ruby-prof' require 'haml' file ="../#{file}", __FILE__)) obj =, :render) result = RubyProf.profile { times.times { obj.render } } RubyProf.const_get("#{(ENV['OUTPUT'] || 'Flat').capitalize}Printer").new(result).print end def gemfiles @gemfiles ||= Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test/gemfiles/Gemfile.*'].reject {|f| f =~ /\.lock$/} end def with_each_gemfile gemfiles.each do |gemfile| Bundler.with_clean_env do puts "Using gemfile: #{gemfile}" ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = gemfile yield end end end namespace :test do namespace :bundles do desc "Install all dependencies necessary to test Haml." task :install do with_each_gemfile {sh "bundle"} end desc "Update all dependencies for testing Haml." task :update do with_each_gemfile {sh "bundle update"} end end desc "Test all supported versions of rails. This takes a while." task :rails_compatibility => 'test:bundles:install' do with_each_gemfile {sh "bundle exec rake test"} end task :rc => :rails_compatibility end