# frozen_string_literal: true module Devise # The +ParameterSanitizer+ deals with permitting specific parameters values # for each +Devise+ scope in the application. # # The sanitizer knows about Devise default parameters (like +password+ and # +password_confirmation+ for the `RegistrationsController`), and you can # extend or change the permitted parameters list on your controllers. # # === Permitting new parameters # # You can add new parameters to the permitted list using the +permit+ method # in a +before_action+ method, for instance. # # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? # # protected # # def configure_permitted_parameters # # Permit the `subscribe_newsletter` parameter along with the other # # sign up parameters. # devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:subscribe_newsletter]) # end # end # # Using a block yields an +ActionController::Parameters+ object so you can # permit nested parameters and have more control over how the parameters are # permitted in your controller. # # def configure_permitted_parameters # devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up) do |user| # user.permit(newsletter_preferences: []) # end # end class ParameterSanitizer DEFAULT_PERMITTED_ATTRIBUTES = { sign_in: [:password, :remember_me], sign_up: [:password, :password_confirmation], account_update: [:password, :password_confirmation, :current_password] } def initialize(resource_class, resource_name, params) @auth_keys = extract_auth_keys(resource_class) @params = params @resource_name = resource_name @permitted = {} DEFAULT_PERMITTED_ATTRIBUTES.each_pair do |action, keys| permit(action, keys: keys) end end # Sanitize the parameters for a specific +action+. # # === Arguments # # * +action+ - A +Symbol+ with the action that the controller is # performing, like +sign_up+, +sign_in+, etc. # # === Examples # # # Inside the `RegistrationsController#create` action. # resource = build_resource(devise_parameter_sanitizer.sanitize(:sign_up)) # resource.save # # Returns an +ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess+ with the permitted # attributes. def sanitize(action) permissions = @permitted[action] if permissions.respond_to?(:call) cast_to_hash permissions.call(default_params) elsif permissions.present? cast_to_hash permit_keys(default_params, permissions) else unknown_action!(action) end end # Add or remove new parameters to the permitted list of an +action+. # # === Arguments # # * +action+ - A +Symbol+ with the action that the controller is # performing, like +sign_up+, +sign_in+, etc. # * +keys:+ - An +Array+ of keys that also should be permitted. # * +except:+ - An +Array+ of keys that shouldn't be permitted. # * +block+ - A block that should be used to permit the action # parameters instead of the +Array+ based approach. The block will be # called with an +ActionController::Parameters+ instance. # # === Examples # # # Adding new parameters to be permitted in the `sign_up` action. # devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:subscribe_newsletter]) # # # Removing the `password` parameter from the `account_update` action. # devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, except: [:password]) # # # Using the block form to completely override how we permit the # # parameters for the `sign_up` action. # devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up) do |user| # user.permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation) # end # # # Returns nothing. def permit(action, keys: nil, except: nil, &block) if block_given? @permitted[action] = block end if keys.present? @permitted[action] ||= @auth_keys.dup @permitted[action].concat(keys) end if except.present? @permitted[action] ||= @auth_keys.dup @permitted[action] = @permitted[action] - except end end private # Cast a sanitized +ActionController::Parameters+ to a +HashWithIndifferentAccess+ # that can be used elsewhere. # # Returns an +ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess+. def cast_to_hash(params) # TODO: Remove the `with_indifferent_access` method call when we only support Rails 5+. params && params.to_h.with_indifferent_access end def default_params if hashable_resource_params? @params.fetch(@resource_name) else empty_params end end def hashable_resource_params? @params[@resource_name].respond_to?(:permit) end def empty_params ActionController::Parameters.new({}) end def permit_keys(parameters, keys) parameters.permit(*keys) end def extract_auth_keys(klass) auth_keys = klass.authentication_keys auth_keys.respond_to?(:keys) ? auth_keys.keys : auth_keys end def unknown_action!(action) raise NotImplementedError, <<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc "Devise doesn't know how to sanitize parameters for '#{action}'". If you want to define a new set of parameters to be sanitized use the `permit` method first: devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:#{action}, keys: [:param1, :param2, :param3]) MESSAGE end end end