1.0.0 Feb 27 2007 - Initial release. 2.0.0 Mar 07 2007 - Removed BCrypt::Password#exactly_equals -- use BCrypt::Password#eql? instead. - Added BCrypt::Password#is_password?. - Refactored out BCrypt::Internals into more useful BCrypt::Engine. - Added validation of secrets -- nil is not healthy. 2.0.1 Mar 09 2007 - Fixed load path issues - Fixed crashes when hashing weird values (e.g., false, etc.) 2.0.2 Jun 06 2007 - Fixed example code in the README [Winson] - Fixed Solaris compatibility [Jeremy LaTrasse, Twitter crew] 2.0.3 May 07 2008 - Made exception classes descend from StandardError, not Exception [Dan42] - Changed BCrypt::Engine.hash to BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret to avoid Merb sorting issues. [Lee Pope] 2.0.4 Mar 09 2009 - Added Ruby 1.9 compatibility. [Genki Takiuchi] - Fixed segfaults on some different types of empty strings. [Mike Pomraning] 2.0.5 Mar 11 2009 - Fixed Ruby 1.8.5 compatibility. [Mike Pomraning] 2.1.0 Aug 12 2009 - Improved code coverage, unit tests, and build chain. [Hongli Lai] - Ruby 1.9 compatibility fixes. [Hongli Lai] - JRuby support, using Damien Miller's jBCrypt. [Hongli Lai] - Ruby 1.9 GIL releasing for high-cost hashes. [Hongli Lai] 2.1.1 Aug 14 2009 - JVM 1.4/1.5 compatibility [Hongli Lai] 2.1.2 Sep 16 2009 - Fixed support for Solaris, OpenSolaris. 3.0.0 Aug 24 2011 - Bcrypt C implementation replaced with a public domain implementation. - License changed to MIT 3.0.1 Sep 12 2011 - create raises an exception if the cost is higher than 31. GH #27 3.1.0 May 07 2013 - Add BCrypt::Password.valid_hash?(str) to check if a string is a valid bcrypt password hash - BCrypt::Password cost should be set to DEFAULT_COST if nil - Add BCrypt::Engine.cost attribute for getting/setting a default cost externally 3.1.1 Jul 10 2013 - Remove support for Ruby 1.8 in compiled win32 binaries 3.1.2 Aug 26 2013 - Add support for Ruby 1.8 and 2.0 (in addition to 1.9) in compiled Windows binaries - Add support for 64-bit Windows 3.1.3 Feb 21 2014 - Add support for Ruby 2.1 in compiled Windows binaries - Rename gem from "bcrypt-ruby" to just "bcrypt". [GH #86 by @sferik] 3.1.6 Feb 21 2014 - Dummy version of "bcrypt-ruby" needed a couple version bumps to fix some bugs. It felt wrong to have that at a higher version than the real gem, so the real gem is getting bumped to 3.1.6. 3.1.7 Feb 24 2014 - Rebuild corrupt Java binary version of gem [GH #90] - The 2.1 support for Windows binaries alleged in 3.1.3 was a lie -- documentation removed 3.1.8 Oct 23 2014 - Add support for Ruby 2.1 in compiled Windows binaries [GH #102] 3.1.9 Oct 23 2014 - Rebuild corrupt binaries 3.1.10 Jan 28 2015 - Fix issue with dumping a BCrypt::Password instance to YAML in Ruby 2.2 [GH #107 by @mattwildig] 3.1.11 Mar 06 2016 - Add support for Ruby 2.2 in compiled Windows binaries 3.1.12 May 16 2018 - Add support for Ruby 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 in compiled Windows binaries - Fix compatibility with libxcrypt [GH #164 by @besser82] [DRAFT] 4.0.0 MMM DD YYYY - No longer include compiled binaries for Windows. See GH #173. - Update C and Java implementations to latest versions [GH #182 by @fonica] - Bump default cost to 12 [GH #181 by @bdewater] - Remove explicit support for Rubies 1.8 and 1.9