require 'rack/request' require 'rack/utils' require 'rack/body_proxy' require 'rack/media_type' require 'time' module Rack # Rack::Response provides a convenient interface to create a Rack # response. # # It allows setting of headers and cookies, and provides useful # defaults (an OK response with empty headers and body). # # You can use Response#write to iteratively generate your response, # but note that this is buffered by Rack::Response until you call # +finish+. +finish+ however can take a block inside which calls to # +write+ are synchronous with the Rack response. # # Your application's +call+ should end returning Response#finish. class Response attr_accessor :length, :status, :body attr_reader :header alias headers header CHUNKED = 'chunked'.freeze def initialize(body=[], status=200, header={}) @status = status.to_i @header = @writer = lambda { |x| @body << x } @block = nil @length = 0 @body = [] if body.respond_to? :to_str write body.to_str elsif body.respond_to?(:each) body.each { |part| write part.to_s } else raise TypeError, "stringable or iterable required" end yield self if block_given? end def redirect(target, status=302) self.status = status self.location = target end def chunked? CHUNKED == get_header(TRANSFER_ENCODING) end def finish(&block) @block = block if [204, 304].include?(status.to_i) delete_header CONTENT_TYPE delete_header CONTENT_LENGTH close [status.to_i, header, []] else [status.to_i, header,{}] end end alias to_a finish # For *response alias to_ary finish # For implicit-splat on Ruby 1.9.2 def each(&callback) @body.each(&callback) @writer = callback if @block end # Append to body and update Content-Length. # # NOTE: Do not mix #write and direct #body access! # def write(str) s = str.to_s @length += s.bytesize unless chunked? s set_header(CONTENT_LENGTH, @length.to_s) unless chunked? str end def close body.close if body.respond_to?(:close) end def empty? @block == nil && @body.empty? end def has_header?(key); headers.key? key; end def get_header(key); headers[key]; end def set_header(key, v); headers[key] = v; end def delete_header(key); headers.delete key; end alias :[] :get_header alias :[]= :set_header module Helpers def invalid?; status < 100 || status >= 600; end def informational?; status >= 100 && status < 200; end def successful?; status >= 200 && status < 300; end def redirection?; status >= 300 && status < 400; end def client_error?; status >= 400 && status < 500; end def server_error?; status >= 500 && status < 600; end def ok?; status == 200; end def created?; status == 201; end def accepted?; status == 202; end def no_content?; status == 204; end def moved_permanently?; status == 301; end def bad_request?; status == 400; end def unauthorized?; status == 401; end def forbidden?; status == 403; end def not_found?; status == 404; end def method_not_allowed?; status == 405; end def precondition_failed?; status == 412; end def unprocessable?; status == 422; end def redirect?; [301, 302, 303, 307, 308].include? status; end def include?(header) has_header? header end # Add a header that may have multiple values. # # Example: # response.add_header 'Vary', 'Accept-Encoding' # response.add_header 'Vary', 'Cookie' # # assert_equal 'Accept-Encoding,Cookie', response.get_header('Vary') # # def add_header key, v if v.nil? get_header key elsif has_header? key set_header key, "#{get_header key},#{v}" else set_header key, v end end def content_type get_header CONTENT_TYPE end def media_type MediaType.type(content_type) end def media_type_params MediaType.params(content_type) end def content_length cl = get_header CONTENT_LENGTH cl ? cl.to_i : cl end def location get_header "Location" end def location=(location) set_header "Location", location end def set_cookie(key, value) cookie_header = get_header SET_COOKIE set_header SET_COOKIE, ::Rack::Utils.add_cookie_to_header(cookie_header, key, value) end def delete_cookie(key, value={}) set_header SET_COOKIE, ::Rack::Utils.add_remove_cookie_to_header(get_header(SET_COOKIE), key, value) end def set_cookie_header get_header SET_COOKIE end def set_cookie_header= v set_header SET_COOKIE, v end def cache_control get_header CACHE_CONTROL end def cache_control= v set_header CACHE_CONTROL, v end def etag get_header ETAG end def etag= v set_header ETAG, v end end include Helpers class Raw include Helpers attr_reader :headers attr_accessor :status def initialize status, headers @status = status @headers = headers end def has_header?(key); headers.key? key; end def get_header(key); headers[key]; end def set_header(key, v); headers[key] = v; end def delete_header(key); headers.delete key; end end end end