require 'fileutils' module Whenever class CommandLine def self.execute(options={}) new(options).run end def initialize(options={}) @options = options @options[:crontab_command] ||= 'crontab' @options[:file] ||= 'config/schedule.rb' @options[:cut] ||= 0 @options[:identifier] ||= default_identifier if !File.exist?(@options[:file]) && @options[:clear].nil? warn("[fail] Can't find file: #{@options[:file]}") exit(1) end if [@options[:update], @options[:write], @options[:clear]].compact.length > 1 warn("[fail] Can only update, write or clear. Choose one.") exit(1) end unless @options[:cut].to_s =~ /[0-9]*/ warn("[fail] Can't cut negative lines from the crontab #{options[:cut]}") exit(1) end @options[:cut] = @options[:cut].to_i @timestamp = end def run if @options[:update] || @options[:clear] write_crontab(updated_crontab) elsif @options[:write] write_crontab(whenever_cron) else puts Whenever.cron(@options) puts "## [message] Above is your schedule file converted to cron syntax; your crontab file was not updated." puts "## [message] Run `whenever --help' for more options." exit(0) end end protected def default_identifier File.expand_path(@options[:file]) end def whenever_cron return '' if @options[:clear] @whenever_cron ||= [comment_open, Whenever.cron(@options), comment_close].compact.join("\n") + "\n" end def read_crontab return @current_crontab if instance_variable_defined?(:@current_crontab) command = [@options[:crontab_command]] command << '-l' command << "-u #{@options[:user]}" if @options[:user] command_results = %x[#{command.join(' ')} 2> /dev/null] @current_crontab = $? ? prepare(command_results) : '' end def write_crontab(contents) command = [@options[:crontab_command]] command << "-u #{@options[:user]}" if @options[:user] # Solaris/SmartOS cron does not support the - option to read from stdin. command << "-" unless OS.solaris? IO.popen(command.join(' '), 'r+') do |crontab| crontab.write(contents) crontab.close_write end success = $? if success action = 'written' if @options[:write] action = 'updated' if @options[:update] puts "[write] crontab file #{action}" exit(0) else warn "[fail] Couldn't write crontab; try running `whenever' with no options to ensure your schedule file is valid." exit(1) end end def updated_crontab # Check for unopened or unclosed identifier blocks if read_crontab =~"^#{comment_open_regex}\s*$") && (read_crontab =~"^#{comment_close_regex}\s*$")).nil? warn "[fail] Unclosed indentifier; Your crontab file contains '#{comment_open(false)}', but no '#{comment_close(false)}'" exit(1) elsif (read_crontab =~"^#{comment_open_regex}\s*$")).nil? && read_crontab =~"^#{comment_close_regex}\s*$") warn "[fail] Unopened indentifier; Your crontab file contains '#{comment_close(false)}', but no '#{comment_open(false)}'" exit(1) end # If an existing identifier block is found, replace it with the new cron entries if read_crontab =~"^#{comment_open_regex}\s*$") && read_crontab =~"^#{comment_close_regex}\s*$") # If the existing crontab file contains backslashes they get lost going through gsub. # .gsub('\\', '\\\\\\') preserves them. Go figure. read_crontab.gsub("^#{comment_open_regex}\s*$.+^#{comment_close_regex}\s*$", Regexp::MULTILINE), whenever_cron.chomp.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\')) else # Otherwise, append the new cron entries after any existing ones [read_crontab, whenever_cron].join("\n\n") end.gsub(/\n{3,}/, "\n\n") # More than two newlines becomes just two. end def prepare(contents) # Strip n lines from the top of the file as specified by the :cut option. # Use split with a -1 limit option to ensure the join is able to rebuild # the file with all of the original seperators in-tact. stripped_contents = contents.split($/,-1)[@options[:cut]..-1].join($/) # Some cron implementations require all non-comment lines to be newline- # terminated. (issue #95) Strip all newlines and replace with the default # platform record seperator ($/) stripped_contents.gsub!(/\s+$/, $/) end def comment_base(include_timestamp = true) if include_timestamp "Whenever generated tasks for: #{@options[:identifier]} at: #{@timestamp}" else "Whenever generated tasks for: #{@options[:identifier]}" end end def comment_open(include_timestamp = true) "# Begin #{comment_base(include_timestamp)}" end def comment_close(include_timestamp = true) "# End #{comment_base(include_timestamp)}" end def comment_open_regex "#{comment_open(false)}(#{timestamp_regex}|)" end def comment_close_regex "#{comment_close(false)}(#{timestamp_regex}|)" end def timestamp_regex " at: \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2} ([+-]\\d{4}|UTC)" end end end