== Version 1.2.8 / 2018-11-15 * Bugfix: Flips two lines to allow scopes authenticating from another without stepping on each other's toes. (PR #144) * Update `rack` dependency to >= 2.0.6 due to security vulnerability * Internal: Add Rubocop Lint checking * Internal: Update RSpec to use `.rspec` file == Version 1.2.7 / 2016-10-12 * Added 'frozen_string_literal' comment, bump ruby to 2.3 == Version 1.2.6 / 2016-01-31 * Separate test helpers to encapsulate Warden object mocking inside it's own class == Version 1.2.5 / 2016-01-28 * Expands on the test helpers available to make it easier for testing gems == Version 1.2.3 / 2013-07-14 * Fix an issue with lazy loaded sessions == Version 1.2.2 / 2013-07-12 * Support nil session stores on logout * Fix strategies blowing up with undefined method base == Version 1.2.1 / 2012-06-16 * Minor caching and speed improvements * Add support to #lock in the proxy * Add support to after_failed_fetch callback == Version 1.2.0 / 2012-05-08 * Deprecate warden_cookies since it was never functional * Add support to serialize_from_session and serialize_into_session per scope == Version 1.1.1 / 2012-02-16 * Allow run_callbacks as an option to set_user and user == Version 1.1.0 / 2011-11-02 * Use the default scopes action when using a bare throw(:warden) == Version 1.0.6 * Remove gem files from the packaged gem == Version 1.0.3 * Do not renew session on user fetch == Version 1.0.2 * Added :intercept_401 to Warden::Config == Version 1.0.1 * Bug fix on strategies errors handler == Version 1.0.0 * Bump! * Allow strategies to configure if user should be stored or not * Force session id renewal when user is set == Version 0.10.7 * Performance boost. config object to use raw accessors * Add per strategy storage option == Version 0.10.6 / 0.10.7 / 2010-05-22 * Bugfix set_user was not respecting logouts in hooks == Version 0.10.4 / 0.10.5 / 2010-05-20 * Add action specifying in scope_defaults == Version 0.10.3 / 2010-03-01 * Bugfix prevent halted winning strategy from being skipped in subsequent runs == Version 0.10.2 / 2010-03-26 * Halt on fail!. Add fail to allow cascading * cache the winning strategy * Make the config object Dupable == Version 0.10.1 / 2010-03-23 * Merge previous from master * tag == Version 0.10.0 / 2010-03-22 * Allow default strategies to be set on the proxy * Provide each scope with it's own default strategies * Provide each scope with default set_user opts * depricate the Proxy#default_strategies= method == Version 0.9.5 / 2010-02-28 * Add Warden.test_mode! * Add Warden.on_next_request * Add test helpers in Warden::Test::Helpers ** login_as ** logout == Version 0.9.4 / 2010-02-23 * Fix an issue where winning_strategy was not cleaned, allowing multiple scopes to sign in, even when the second one should not == Version 0.9.3 / 2010-02-17 * Add prepend_ to all hooks (josevalim) == Version 0.9.2 / 2010-02-10 * Ruby 1.9 compatibility changes (grimen) == Version 0.9.1 / 2010-02-09 * Support for passing a custom message with Warden::Strategy::Base#success! as second optional (grimen) == Version 0.9.0 / 2010-01-21 * Remove serializers and make strategies more powerful, including cache behavior (josevalim) == Version 0.8.1 / 2010-01-06 * Fix a bug when silence missing serializers is set (josevalim) == Version 0.8.0 / 2010-01-06 * enhancements * Add conditionals to callbacks (josevalim) * Extract Warden::Config from Warden::Manager (josevalim) == Version 0.7.0 / 2010-01-04 * enhancements * Expose config in warden proxy (hassox) == Version 0.6.0 / 2009-11-16 * enhancements * added serializers, including session serializer (set by default) and a cookie serializer (josevalim) * deprecation * serializer_into_session and serializer_from_session are deprecated, overwrite serialize and deserializer in Warden::Serializers::Session instead (josevalim) == Version 0.5.3 / 2009-11-10 * bug fixes * authenticated? and unauthenticated? should return true or false, not the user or false. (hassox) == Version 0.5.2 / 2009-11-09 * enhancements * authenticated? always try to serialize the user from session (josevalim) * stored_in_session? checks if user information is stored in session, without serializing (josevalim) * 401 behaves exactly like throw :warden (staugaard) === Version 0.5.1 / 2009-10-25 * enhancements * Adds yielding to authenticated? and unauthenticated? methods (hassox) * Adds an option to silence missing strategies (josevalim) * Add an option to authenticate(!) to prevent storage of a user into the session (hassox) * allow custom :action to be thrown (josevalim) === Version 0.4.0 / 2009-10-12 * enhancements * add Content-Type header to redirects (staugaard) * Make scope available to strategies (josevalim) * bug fixes * Do not consume opts twice, otherwise just the first will parse the scope (josevalim) === Version 0.3.2 / 2009-09-15 * enhancements * add a hook for plugins to specify how they can clear the whole section