require 'erb' require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'sdoc/github' require 'sdoc/templatable' require 'sdoc/helpers' require 'sdoc/version' require 'rdoc' class RDoc::ClassModule def with_documentation? document_self_or_methods || classes_and_modules.any?{ |c| c.with_documentation? } end end class RDoc::Options attr_accessor :github attr_accessor :search_index end class RDoc::Generator::SDoc RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self DESCRIPTION = 'Searchable HTML documentation' include ERB::Util include SDoc::GitHub include SDoc::Templatable include SDoc::Helpers GENERATOR_DIRS = [File.join('sdoc', 'generator')] TREE_FILE = File.join 'panel', 'tree.js' SEARCH_INDEX_FILE = File.join 'js', 'search_index.js' FILE_DIR = 'files' CLASS_DIR = 'classes' RESOURCES_DIR = File.join('resources', '.') attr_reader :base_dir attr_reader :options ## # The RDoc::Store that is the source of the generated content attr_reader :store def self.setup_options(options) opt = options.option_parser opt.separator nil opt.separator "SDoc generator options:" opt.separator nil opt.on("--github", "-g", "Generate links to github.") do |value| options.github = true end opt.separator nil opt.on("--version", "-v", "Output current version") do puts SDoc::VERSION exit end end def initialize(store, options) @store = store @options = options if @options.respond_to?('diagram=') @options.diagram = false end @options.pipe = true @github_url_cache = {} @template_dir = @base_dir = Pathname.pwd.expand_path @json_index = self, options end def generate @outputdir = @files = @store.all_files.sort @classes = @store.all_classes_and_modules.sort # Now actually write the output copy_resources @json_index.generate @json_index.generate_gzipped generate_search_index generate_class_tree generate_index_file generate_file_files generate_class_files end def class_dir CLASS_DIR end def file_dir FILE_DIR end protected ### Output progress information if debugging is enabled def debug_msg( *msg ) return unless $DEBUG_RDOC $stderr.puts( *msg ) end ### Create index.html with frameset def generate_index_file debug_msg "Generating index file in #@outputdir" templatefile = @template_dir + 'index.rhtml' outfile = @outputdir + 'index.html' self.render_template( templatefile, binding(), outfile ) unless @options.dry_run end ### Generate a documentation file for each class def generate_class_files debug_msg "Generating class documentation in #@outputdir" templatefile = @template_dir + 'class.rhtml' @classes.each do |klass| debug_msg " working on %s (%s)" % [ klass.full_name, klass.path ] outfile = @outputdir + klass.path rel_prefix = @outputdir.relative_path_from( outfile.dirname ) debug_msg " rendering #{outfile}" self.render_template( templatefile, binding(), outfile ) unless @options.dry_run end end ### Generate a documentation file for each file def generate_file_files debug_msg "Generating file documentation in #@outputdir" templatefile = @template_dir + 'file.rhtml' @files.each do |file| outfile = @outputdir + file.path debug_msg " working on %s (%s)" % [ file.full_name, outfile ] rel_prefix = @outputdir.relative_path_from( outfile.dirname ) debug_msg " rendering #{outfile}" self.render_template( templatefile, binding(), outfile ) unless @options.dry_run end end ### Generate file with links for the search engine def generate_search_index debug_msg "Generating search engine index in #@outputdir" templatefile = @template_dir + 'search_index.rhtml' outfile = @outputdir + 'panel/links.html' self.render_template( templatefile, binding(), outfile ) unless @options.dry_run end ### Create class tree structure and write it as json def generate_class_tree debug_msg "Generating class tree" topclasses = {|klass| !(RDoc::ClassModule === klass.parent) } tree = generate_file_tree + generate_class_tree_level(topclasses) debug_msg " writing class tree to %s" % TREE_FILE, "w", 0644) do |f| f.write('var tree = '); f.write(tree.to_json(:max_nesting => 0)) end unless @options.dry_run end ### Recursivly build class tree structure def generate_class_tree_level(classes, visited = {}) tree = [] do |klass| !visited[klass] && klass.with_documentation? end.sort.each do |klass| visited[klass] = true item = [, klass.document_self_or_methods ? klass.path : '', klass.module? ? '' : (klass.superclass ? " < #{String === klass.superclass ? klass.superclass : klass.superclass.full_name}" : ''), generate_class_tree_level(klass.classes_and_modules, visited) ] tree << item end tree end ### Determines index path based on @options.main_page (or lack thereof) def index_path # Break early to avoid a big if block when no main page is specified default = @files.first.path return default unless @options.main_page # Transform class name to file path if @options.main_page.include?("::") slashed = @options.main_page.sub(/^::/, "").gsub("::", "/") "%s/%s.html" % [ class_dir, slashed ] elsif file = @files.find { |f| f.full_name == @options.main_page } file.path else default end end ### Copy all the resource files to output dir def copy_resources resources_path = @template_dir + RESOURCES_DIR debug_msg "Copying #{resources_path}/** to #{@outputdir}/**" FileUtils.cp_r resources_path.to_s, @outputdir.to_s unless @options.dry_run end class FilesTree attr_reader :children def add(path, url) path = path.split(File::SEPARATOR) unless Array === path @children ||= {} if path.length == 1 @children[path.first] = url else @children[path.first] ||= @children[path.first].add(path[1, path.length], url) end end end def generate_file_tree if @files.length > 1 @files_tree = @files.each do |file| @files_tree.add(file.relative_name, file.path) end [['', '', 'files', generate_file_tree_level(@files_tree)]] else [] end end def generate_file_tree_level(tree) do |name| child = tree.children[name] if String === child [name, child, '', []] else ['', '', name, generate_file_tree_level(child)] end end end end