#!/usr/bin/env ruby # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: # # Script to automatically move partitioned tables and their indexes # to a separate area on disk. # # Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu> # # Example use case: # # - You've got a heavy insert table, such as syslog data. # - This table has a partitioning trigger (or is manually partitioned) # by date, to separate incoming stuff from archival/report stuff. # - You have a tablespace on cheap or slower disk (maybe even # ZFS compressed, or some such!) # # The only assumption this script makes is that your tables are dated, and # the tablespace they're moving into already exists. # # A full example, using the syslog idea from above, where each child # table is date partitioned by a convention of "syslog_YEAR-WEEKOFYEAR": # # syslog # <--- parent # syslog_2012_06 # <--- inherited # syslog_2012_07 # <--- inherited # syslog_2012_08 # <--- inherited # ... # # You'd run this script like so: # # ./warehouse_partitions.rb -F syslog_%Y_%U # # Assuming this was week 12 of the year, tables syslog_2012_06 through # syslog_2012_11 would start sequentially migrating into the tablespace # called 'warehouse'. # begin require 'date' require 'ostruct' require 'optparse' require 'pathname' require 'etc' require 'pg' rescue LoadError # 1.8 support unless Object.const_defined?( :Gem ) require 'rubygems' retry end raise end ### A tablespace migration class. ### class PGWarehouse def initialize( opts ) @opts = opts @db = PG.connect( :dbname => opts.database, :host => opts.host, :port => opts.port, :user => opts.user, :password => opts.pass, :sslmode => 'prefer' ) @db.exec "SET search_path TO %s" % [ opts.schema ] if opts.schema @relations = self.relations end attr_reader :db ###### public ###### ### Perform the tablespace moves. ### def migrate if @relations.empty? $stderr.puts 'No tables were found for warehousing.' return end $stderr.puts "Found %d relation%s to move." % [ relations.length, relations.length == 1 ? '' : 's' ] @relations.sort_by{|_,v| v[:name] }.each do |_, val| $stderr.print " - Moving table '%s' to '%s'... " % [ val[:name], @opts.tablespace ] if @opts.dryrun $stderr.puts '(not really)' else age = self.timer do db.exec "ALTER TABLE %s SET TABLESPACE %s;" % [ val[:name], @opts.tablespace ] end puts age end val[ :indexes ].each do |idx| $stderr.print " - Moving index '%s' to '%s'... " % [ idx, @opts.tablespace ] if @opts.dryrun $stderr.puts '(not really)' else age = self.timer do db.exec "ALTER INDEX %s SET TABLESPACE %s;" % [ idx, @opts.tablespace ] end puts age end end end end ######### protected ######### ### Get OIDs and current tablespaces for everything under the ### specified schema. ### def relations return @relations if @relations relations = {} query = %q{ SELECT c.oid AS oid, c.relname AS name, c.relkind AS kind, t.spcname AS tspace FROM pg_class AS c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace WHERE c.relkind = 'r' } query << "AND n.nspname='#{@opts.schema}'" if @opts.schema # Get the relations list, along with each element's current tablespace. # self.db.exec( query ) do |res| res.each do |row| relations[ row['oid'] ] = { :name => row['name'], :tablespace => row['tspace'], :indexes => [], :parent => nil } end end # Add table inheritence information. # db.exec 'SELECT inhrelid AS oid, inhparent AS parent FROM pg_inherits' do |res| res.each do |row| relations[ row['oid'] ][ :parent ] = row['parent'] end end # Remove tables that don't qualify for warehousing. # # - Tables that are not children of a parent # - Tables that are already in the warehouse tablespace # - The currently active child (it's likely being written to!) # - Any table that can't be parsed into the specified format # relations.reject! do |oid, val| begin val[:parent].nil? || val[:tablespace] == @opts.tablespace || val[:name] == Time.now.strftime( @opts.format ) || ! DateTime.strptime( val[:name], @opts.format ) rescue ArgumentError true end end query = %q{ SELECT c.oid AS oid, i.indexname AS name FROM pg_class AS c INNER JOIN pg_indexes AS i ON i.tablename = c.relname } query << "AND i.schemaname='#{@opts.schema}'" if @opts.schema # Attach index names to tables. # db.exec( query ) do |res| res.each do |row| relations[ row['oid'] ][ :indexes ] << row['name'] if relations[ row['oid'] ] end end return relations end ### Wrap arbitrary commands in a human readable timer. ### def timer start = Time.now yield age = Time.now - start diff = age secs = diff % 60 diff = ( diff - secs ) / 60 mins = diff % 60 diff = ( diff - mins ) / 60 hour = diff % 24 return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % [ hour, mins, secs ] end end ### Parse command line arguments. Return a struct of global options. ### def parse_args( args ) options = OpenStruct.new options.database = Etc.getpwuid( Process.uid ).name options.host = '' options.port = 5432 options.user = Etc.getpwuid( Process.uid ).name options.sslmode = 'prefer' options.tablespace = 'warehouse' opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]" opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Connection options:' opts.on( '-d', '--database DBNAME', "specify the database to connect to (default: \"#{options.database}\")" ) do |db| options.database = db end opts.on( '-h', '--host HOSTNAME', 'database server host' ) do |host| options.host = host end opts.on( '-p', '--port PORT', Integer, "database server port (default: \"#{options.port}\")" ) do |port| options.port = port end opts.on( '-n', '--schema SCHEMA', String, "operate on the named schema only (default: none)" ) do |schema| options.schema = schema end opts.on( '-T', '--tablespace SPACE', String, "move old tables to this tablespace (default: \"#{options.tablespace}\")" ) do |tb| options.tablespace = tb end opts.on( '-F', '--tableformat FORMAT', String, "The naming format (strftime) for the inherited tables (default: none)" ) do |format| options.format = format end opts.on( '-U', '--user NAME', "database user name (default: \"#{options.user}\")" ) do |user| options.user = user end opts.on( '-W', 'force password prompt' ) do |pw| print 'Password: ' begin system 'stty -echo' options.pass = gets.chomp ensure system 'stty echo' puts end end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Other options:' opts.on_tail( '--dry-run', "don't actually do anything" ) do options.dryrun = true end opts.on_tail( '--help', 'show this help, then exit' ) do $stderr.puts opts exit end opts.on_tail( '--version', 'output version information, then exit' ) do puts Stats::VERSION exit end end opts.parse!( args ) return options end if __FILE__ == $0 opts = parse_args( ARGV ) raise ArgumentError, "A naming format (-F) is required." unless opts.format $stdout.sync = true PGWarehouse.new( opts ).migrate end