#include <xslt_stylesheet.h> #include <libxslt/xsltInternals.h> #include <libxslt/xsltutils.h> #include <libxslt/transform.h> #include <libexslt/exslt.h> VALUE xslt; int vasprintf (char **strp, const char *fmt, va_list ap); void vasprintf_free (void *p); static void mark(nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple *wrapper) { rb_gc_mark(wrapper->func_instances); } static void dealloc(nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple *wrapper) { xsltStylesheetPtr doc = wrapper->ss; NOKOGIRI_DEBUG_START(doc); xsltFreeStylesheet(doc); /* commented out for now. */ NOKOGIRI_DEBUG_END(doc); free(wrapper); } static void xslt_generic_error_handler(void * ctx, const char *msg, ...) { char * message; va_list args; va_start(args, msg); vasprintf(&message, msg, args); va_end(args); rb_str_cat2((VALUE)ctx, message); vasprintf_free(message); } VALUE Nokogiri_wrap_xslt_stylesheet(xsltStylesheetPtr ss) { VALUE self; nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple *wrapper; self = Data_Make_Struct(cNokogiriXsltStylesheet, nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple, mark, dealloc, wrapper); ss->_private = (void *)self; wrapper->ss = ss; wrapper->func_instances = rb_ary_new(); return self; } /* * call-seq: * parse_stylesheet_doc(document) * * Parse a stylesheet from +document+. */ static VALUE parse_stylesheet_doc(VALUE klass, VALUE xmldocobj) { xmlDocPtr xml, xml_cpy; VALUE errstr, exception; xsltStylesheetPtr ss ; Data_Get_Struct(xmldocobj, xmlDoc, xml); exsltRegisterAll(); errstr = rb_str_new(0, 0); xsltSetGenericErrorFunc((void *)errstr, xslt_generic_error_handler); xml_cpy = xmlCopyDoc(xml, 1); /* 1 => recursive */ ss = xsltParseStylesheetDoc(xml_cpy); xsltSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL, NULL); if (!ss) { xmlFreeDoc(xml_cpy); exception = rb_exc_new3(rb_eRuntimeError, errstr); rb_exc_raise(exception); } return Nokogiri_wrap_xslt_stylesheet(ss); } /* * call-seq: * serialize(document) * * Serialize +document+ to an xml string. */ static VALUE serialize(VALUE self, VALUE xmlobj) { xmlDocPtr xml ; nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple *wrapper; xmlChar* doc_ptr ; int doc_len ; VALUE rval ; Data_Get_Struct(xmlobj, xmlDoc, xml); Data_Get_Struct(self, nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple, wrapper); xsltSaveResultToString(&doc_ptr, &doc_len, xml, wrapper->ss); rval = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW(doc_ptr, doc_len); xmlFree(doc_ptr); return rval ; } static void swallow_superfluous_xml_errors(void * userdata, xmlErrorPtr error, ...) { } /* * call-seq: * transform(document, params = []) * * Apply an XSLT stylesheet to an XML::Document. * +params+ is an array of strings used as XSLT parameters. * returns Nokogiri::XML::Document * * Example: * * doc = Nokogiri::XML(File.read(ARGV[0])) * xslt = Nokogiri::XSLT(File.read(ARGV[1])) * puts xslt.transform(doc, ['key', 'value']) * */ static VALUE transform(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { VALUE xmldoc, paramobj, errstr, exception ; xmlDocPtr xml ; xmlDocPtr result ; nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple *wrapper; const char** params ; long param_len, j ; int parse_error_occurred ; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &xmldoc, ¶mobj); if (NIL_P(paramobj)) { paramobj = rb_ary_new2(0L) ; } if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(xmldoc, cNokogiriXmlDocument)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument must be a Nokogiri::XML::Document"); /* handle hashes as arguments. */ if(T_HASH == TYPE(paramobj)) { paramobj = rb_funcall(paramobj, rb_intern("to_a"), 0); paramobj = rb_funcall(paramobj, rb_intern("flatten"), 0); } Check_Type(paramobj, T_ARRAY); Data_Get_Struct(xmldoc, xmlDoc, xml); Data_Get_Struct(self, nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple, wrapper); param_len = RARRAY_LEN(paramobj); params = calloc((size_t)param_len+1, sizeof(char*)); for (j = 0 ; j < param_len ; j++) { VALUE entry = rb_ary_entry(paramobj, j); const char * ptr = StringValueCStr(entry); params[j] = ptr; } params[param_len] = 0 ; errstr = rb_str_new(0, 0); xsltSetGenericErrorFunc((void *)errstr, xslt_generic_error_handler); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc((void *)errstr, xslt_generic_error_handler); result = xsltApplyStylesheet(wrapper->ss, xml, params); free(params); xsltSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL, NULL); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL, NULL); parse_error_occurred = (Qfalse == rb_funcall(errstr, rb_intern("empty?"), 0)); if (parse_error_occurred) { exception = rb_exc_new3(rb_eRuntimeError, errstr); rb_exc_raise(exception); } return Nokogiri_wrap_xml_document((VALUE)0, result) ; } static void method_caller(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { VALUE handler; const char *function_name; xsltTransformContextPtr transform; const xmlChar *functionURI; transform = xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt); functionURI = ctxt->context->functionURI; handler = (VALUE)xsltGetExtData(transform, functionURI); function_name = (const char*)(ctxt->context->function); Nokogiri_marshal_xpath_funcall_and_return_values(ctxt, nargs, handler, (const char*)function_name); } static void * initFunc(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *uri) { VALUE modules = rb_iv_get(xslt, "@modules"); VALUE obj = rb_hash_aref(modules, rb_str_new2((const char *)uri)); VALUE args = { Qfalse }; VALUE methods = rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("instance_methods"), 1, args); VALUE inst; nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple *wrapper; int i; for(i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(methods); i++) { VALUE method_name = rb_obj_as_string(rb_ary_entry(methods, i)); xsltRegisterExtFunction(ctxt, (unsigned char *)StringValueCStr(method_name), uri, method_caller); } Data_Get_Struct((VALUE)ctxt->style->_private, nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple, wrapper); inst = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, obj); rb_ary_push(wrapper->func_instances, inst); return (void *)inst; } static void shutdownFunc(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *uri, void *data) { nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple *wrapper; Data_Get_Struct((VALUE)ctxt->style->_private, nokogiriXsltStylesheetTuple, wrapper); rb_ary_clear(wrapper->func_instances); } /* * call-seq: * register(uri, custom_handler_class) * * Register a class that implements custom XSLT transformation functions. */ static VALUE registr(VALUE self, VALUE uri, VALUE obj) { VALUE modules = rb_iv_get(self, "@modules"); if(NIL_P(modules)) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "wtf! @modules isn't set"); rb_hash_aset(modules, uri, obj); xsltRegisterExtModule((unsigned char *)StringValueCStr(uri), initFunc, shutdownFunc); return self; } VALUE cNokogiriXsltStylesheet ; void init_xslt_stylesheet() { VALUE nokogiri; VALUE klass; nokogiri = rb_define_module("Nokogiri"); xslt = rb_define_module_under(nokogiri, "XSLT"); klass = rb_define_class_under(xslt, "Stylesheet", rb_cObject); rb_iv_set(xslt, "@modules", rb_hash_new()); cNokogiriXsltStylesheet = klass; rb_define_singleton_method(klass, "parse_stylesheet_doc", parse_stylesheet_doc, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(xslt, "register", registr, 2); rb_define_method(klass, "serialize", serialize, 1); rb_define_method(klass, "transform", transform, -1); }