# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe NIO::ByteBuffer do let(:capacity) { 256 } let(:example_string) { "Testing 1 2 3..." } subject(:bytebuffer) { described_class.new(capacity) } describe "#initialize" do it "raises TypeError if given a bogus argument" do expect { described_class.new(:symbols_are_bogus) }.to raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "#clear" do it "clears the buffer" do bytebuffer << example_string bytebuffer.clear expect(bytebuffer.remaining).to eq capacity end end describe "#position" do it "defaults to zero" do expect(bytebuffer.position).to be_zero end end describe "#position=" do let(:example_position) { 42 } it "sets the buffer's position to a valid value" do expect(bytebuffer.position).to be_zero bytebuffer.position = example_position expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq example_position end it "raises ArgumentError if the specified position is less than zero" do expect { bytebuffer.position = -1 }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises ArgumentError if the specified position exceeds the limit" do expect { bytebuffer.position = capacity + 1 }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#limit" do it "defaults to the buffer's capacity" do expect(bytebuffer.limit).to eq capacity end end describe "#limit=" do it "sets the buffer's limit to a valid value" do bytebuffer.flip expect(bytebuffer.limit).to be_zero new_limit = capacity / 2 bytebuffer.limit = new_limit expect(bytebuffer.limit).to eq new_limit end it "preserves position and mark if they're less than the new limit" do bytebuffer << "four" bytebuffer.mark bytebuffer << "more" bytebuffer.limit = capacity / 2 expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq 8 bytebuffer.reset expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq 4 end it "sets position to the new limit if the previous position is beyond the limit" do bytebuffer << "four" bytebuffer.limit = 2 expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq 2 end it "clears the mark if the new limit is before the current mark" do bytebuffer << "four" bytebuffer.mark bytebuffer.limit = 2 expect { bytebuffer.reset }.to raise_error(NIO::ByteBuffer::MarkUnsetError) end it "raises ArgumentError if specified limit is less than zero" do expect { bytebuffer.limit = -1 }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises ArgumentError if specified limit exceeds capacity" do expect { bytebuffer.limit = capacity }.not_to raise_error expect { bytebuffer.limit = capacity + 1 }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#capacity" do it "has the requested capacity" do expect(bytebuffer.capacity).to eq capacity end end describe "#remaining" do it "calculates the number of bytes remaining" do expect(bytebuffer.remaining).to eq capacity bytebuffer << example_string expect(bytebuffer.remaining).to eq(capacity - example_string.length) end end describe "#full?" do it "returns false when there is space remaining in the buffer" do expect(bytebuffer).not_to be_full end it "returns true when the buffer is full" do bytebuffer << "X" * capacity expect(bytebuffer).to be_full end end describe "#get" do it "reads all remaining data if no length is given" do bytebuffer << example_string bytebuffer.flip expect(bytebuffer.get).to eq example_string end it "reads zeroes from a newly initialized buffer" do expect(bytebuffer.get(capacity)).to eq("\0" * capacity) end it "advances position as data is read" do bytebuffer << "First" bytebuffer << "Second" bytebuffer << "Third" bytebuffer.flip expect(bytebuffer.position).to be_zero expect(bytebuffer.get(10)).to eq "FirstSecon" expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq 10 end it "raises NIO::ByteBuffer::UnderflowError if there is not enough data in the buffer" do bytebuffer << example_string bytebuffer.flip expect { bytebuffer.get(example_string.length + 1) }.to raise_error(NIO::ByteBuffer::UnderflowError) expect(bytebuffer.get(example_string.length)).to eq example_string end end describe "#[]" do it "obtains bytes at a given index without altering position" do bytebuffer << example_string expect(bytebuffer[7]).to eq example_string.bytes[7] expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq example_string.length end it "raises ArgumentError if the index is less than zero" do expect { bytebuffer[-1] }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises ArgumentError if the index exceeds the limit" do bytebuffer << example_string bytebuffer.flip expect(bytebuffer[bytebuffer.limit - 1]).to eq example_string.bytes.last expect { bytebuffer[bytebuffer.limit] }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#<<" do it "adds strings to the buffer" do bytebuffer << example_string expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq example_string.length expect(bytebuffer.limit).to eq capacity end it "raises TypeError if given a non-String type" do expect { bytebuffer << 42 }.to raise_error(TypeError) expect { bytebuffer << nil }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises NIO::ByteBuffer::OverflowError if the buffer is full" do bytebuffer << "X" * (capacity - 1) expect { bytebuffer << "X" }.not_to raise_error expect { bytebuffer << "X" }.to raise_error(NIO::ByteBuffer::OverflowError) end end describe "#flip" do it "flips the bytebuffer" do bytebuffer << example_string expect(bytebuffer.position).to eql example_string.length expect(bytebuffer.flip).to eq bytebuffer expect(bytebuffer.position).to be_zero expect(bytebuffer.limit).to eq example_string.length expect(bytebuffer.get).to eq example_string end it "sets remaining to the previous position" do bytebuffer << example_string previous_position = bytebuffer.position expect(bytebuffer.remaining).to eq(capacity - previous_position) expect(bytebuffer.flip.remaining).to eq previous_position end it "sets limit to the previous position" do bytebuffer << example_string expect(bytebuffer.limit).to eql(capacity) previous_position = bytebuffer.position expect(bytebuffer.flip.limit).to eql previous_position end end describe "#rewind" do it "rewinds the buffer leaving the limit intact" do bytebuffer << example_string expect(bytebuffer.rewind).to eq bytebuffer expect(bytebuffer.position).to be_zero expect(bytebuffer.limit).to eq capacity end end describe "#mark" do it "returns self" do expect(bytebuffer.mark).to eql bytebuffer end end describe "#reset" do it "returns to a previously marked position" do bytebuffer << "First" expected_position = bytebuffer.position expect(bytebuffer.mark).to eq bytebuffer bytebuffer << "Second" expect(bytebuffer.position).not_to eq expected_position expect(bytebuffer.reset.position).to eq expected_position end it "raises NIO::ByteBuffer::MarkUnsetError unless mark has been set" do expect { bytebuffer.reset }.to raise_error(NIO::ByteBuffer::MarkUnsetError) end end describe "#compact" do let(:first_string) { "CompactMe" } let(:second_string) { "Leftover" } it "copies data from the current position to the beginning of the buffer" do bytebuffer << first_string << second_string bytebuffer.position = first_string.length bytebuffer.limit = first_string.length + second_string.length bytebuffer.compact expect(bytebuffer.position).to eq second_string.length expect(bytebuffer.limit).to eq capacity expect(bytebuffer.flip.get).to eq second_string end end describe "#each" do it "iterates over data in the buffer" do bytebuffer << example_string bytebuffer.flip bytes = [] bytebuffer.each { |byte| bytes << byte } expect(bytes).to eq example_string.bytes end end describe "#inspect" do it "inspects the buffer offsets" do regex = /\A#\z/ expect(bytebuffer.inspect).to match(regex) end end context "I/O" do let(:addr) { "" } let(:server) { TCPServer.new(addr, 0) } let(:port) { server.local_address.ip_port } let(:client) { TCPSocket.new(addr, port) } let(:peer) { server_thread.value } let(:server_thread) do server thread = Thread.new { server.accept } Thread.pass while thread.status && thread.status != "sleep" thread end before do server_thread client end after do server_thread.kill if server_thread.alive? server.close rescue nil client.close rescue nil peer.close rescue nil end describe "#read_from" do it "reads data into the buffer" do client.write(example_string) expect(bytebuffer.read_from(peer)).to eq example_string.length bytebuffer.flip expect(bytebuffer.get).to eq example_string end it "raises NIO::ByteBuffer::OverflowError if the buffer is already full" do client.write(example_string) bytebuffer << "X" * capacity expect { bytebuffer.read_from(peer) }.to raise_error(NIO::ByteBuffer::OverflowError) end it "returns 0 if no data is available" do expect(bytebuffer.read_from(peer)).to eq 0 end end describe "#write_to" do it "writes data from the buffer" do bytebuffer << example_string bytebuffer.flip expect(bytebuffer.write_to(client)).to eq example_string.length client.close expect(peer.read(example_string.length)).to eq example_string end it "raises NIO::ByteBuffer::UnderflowError if the buffer is out of data" do bytebuffer.flip expect { bytebuffer.write_to(peer) }.to raise_error(NIO::ByteBuffer::UnderflowError) end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength