module MessagePack

  class Buffer
    # Creates a MessagePack::Buffer instance.
    # @overload initialize(options={})
    #   @param options [Hash]
    # @overload initialize(io, options={})
    #   @param io [IO]
    #   @param options [Hash]
    #   This buffer writes written data into the IO when it is filled.
    #   This buffer reads data from the IO when it is empty.
    # _io_ must respond to readpartial(length, [,string]) or read(string) method and
    # write(string) or append(string) method.
    # Supported options:
    # * *:io_buffer_size* buffer size to read data from the internal IO. (default: 32768)
    # * *:read_reference_threshold* the threshold size to enable zero-copy deserialize optimization. Read strings longer than this threshold will refer the original string instead of copying it. (default: 256) (supported in MRI only)
    # * *:write_reference_threshold* the threshold size to enable zero-copy serialize optimization. The buffer refers written strings longer than this threshold instead of copying it. (default: 524288) (supported in MRI only)
    def initialize(*args)

    # Makes the buffer empty
    # @return nil
    def clear

    # Returns byte size of the buffer.
    # @return nil
    def size

    # Returns _true_ if the buffer is empty.
    # This method is slightly faster than _size_.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def empty?

    # Appends the given data to the buffer.
    # @param data [String]
    # @return [Integer] byte size written
    def write(data)

    # Appends the given data to the buffer.
    # @param data [String]
    # @return [Buffer] self
    def <<(data)

    # Consumes _n_ bytes from the head of the buffer and returns consumed data.
    # If the size of the buffer is less than _n_, it reads all of data in the buffer.
    # If _n_ is 0, it does nothing and returns an empty string.
    # If the optional _buffer_ argument is given, the content of the string will be replaced with the consumed data.
    # @overload read
    # @overload read(n)
    #   @param n [Integer] bytes to read
    # @overload read(n, buffer)
    #   @param n [Integer] bytes to read
    #   @param buffer [String] buffer to read into
    # @return [String]
    def read(n)

    # Consumes _n_ bytes from the head of the buffer and returns consumed data.
    # If the size of the buffer is less than _n_, it does nothing and raises EOFError.
    # If _n_ is 0, it does nothing and returns an empty string.
    # If the optional _buffer_ argument is given, the content of the string will be replaced with the consumed data.
    # @overload read_all
    # @overload read_all(n)
    #   @param n [Integer] bytes to read
    # @overload read_all(n, buffer)
    #   @param n [Integer] bytes to read
    #   @param buffer [String] buffer to read into
    # @return [String]
    def read_all(n, buffer=nil)

    # Consumes _n_ bytes from the head of the buffer.
    # If the size of the buffer is less than _n_, it skips all of data in the buffer and returns integer less than _n_.
    # If _n_ is 0, it does nothing and returns _0_.
    # @param n [Integer] byte size to skip
    # @return [Integer] byte size actually skipped
    def skip(n)

    # Consumes _n_ bytes from the head of the buffer.
    # If the size of the buffer is less than _n_, it does nothing and raises EOFError.
    # If _n_ is 0, it does nothing.
    # @param n [Integer] byte size to skip
    # @return [Buffer] self
    def skip_all(n)

    # Returns all data in the buffer as a string.
    # Destructive update to the returned string does NOT effect the buffer.
    # @return [String]
    def to_str

    # Returns content of the buffer as an array of strings.
    # This method is sometimes faster than to_s because the internal
    # structure of the buffer is a queue of buffer chunks.
    # @return [Array] array of strings
    def to_a

    # Internal io
    # @return IO
    attr_reader :io

    # Flushes data in the internal buffer to the internal IO.
    # If internal IO is not set, it does nothing.
    # @return [Buffer] self
    def flush

    # Closes internal IO if its set.
    # If internal IO is not set, it does nothing
    # @return nil
    def close

    # Writes all of data in the internal buffer into the given IO.
    # This method consumes and removes data from the internal buffer.
    # _io_ must respond to write(data) method.
    # @param io [IO]
    # @return [Integer] byte size of written data
    def write_to(io)
