require 'cgi'
require 'erubis'
require 'ruby_parser'
module Html2haml
class HTML
# A class for converting ERB code into a format that's easier
# for the {Html2haml::HTML} Nokogiri-based parser to understand.
# Uses [Erubis]('s extensible parsing powers
# to parse the ERB in a reliable way,
# and [ruby_parser]('s Ruby knowledge
# to figure out whether a given chunk of Ruby code starts a block or not.
# The ERB tags are converted to HTML tags in the following way.
# `<% ... %>` is converted into ` ... `.
# `<%= ... %>` is converted into ` ... `.
# `<%== ... %>` is converted into ` ... `.
# Finally, if either of these opens a Ruby block,
# ` ... ` will wrap the entire contents of the block -
# that is, everything that should be indented beneath the previous silent or loud tag.
class ERB < Erubis::Basic::Engine
# Compiles an ERB template into a HTML document containing `haml_*` tags.
# @param template [String] The ERB template
# @return [String] The output document
# @see Html2haml::HTML::ERB
def self.compile(template)
# The ERB-to-Hamlized-HTML conversion has no preamble.
def add_preamble(src); end
# The ERB-to-Hamlized-HTML conversion has no postamble.
def add_postamble(src); end
# Concatenates the text onto the source buffer.
# @param src [String] The source buffer
# @param text [String] The raw text to add to the buffer
def add_text(src, text)
src << text
# Concatenates a silent Ruby statement onto the source buffer.
# This uses the `` tag,
# and may close and/or open a Ruby block with the `` tag.
# In particular, a block is closed if this statement is some form of `end`,
# opened if it's a block opener like `do`, `if`, or `begin`,
# and both closed and opened if it's a mid-block keyword
# like `else` or `when`.
# @param src [String] The source buffer
# @param code [String] The Ruby statement to add to the buffer
def add_stmt(src, code)
src << '' if block_closer?(code) || mid_block?(code)
src << '' << h(code) << '' unless code.strip == "end"
src << '' if block_opener?(code) || mid_block?(code)
# Concatenates a Ruby expression that's printed to the document
# onto the source buffer.
# This uses the `` tag,
# and may open a Ruby block with the `` tag.
# An expression never closes a block.
# @param src [String] The source buffer
# @param code [String] The Ruby expression to add to the buffer
def add_expr_literal(src, code)
src << '' << h(code) << ''
src << '' if block_opener?(code)
def add_expr_escaped(src, code)
src << "" << h(code) << ""
# `html2haml` doesn't support debugging expressions.
def add_expr_debug(src, code)
raise"html2haml doesn't support debugging expressions.")
# HTML-escaped some text (in practice, always Ruby code).
# A utility method.
# @param text [String] The text to escape
# @return [String] The escaped text
def h(text)
# Returns whether the code is valid Ruby code on its own.
# @param code [String] Ruby code to check
# @return [Boolean]
def valid_ruby?(code)
rescue Racc::ParseError, RubyParser::SyntaxError
# Returns whether the code has any content
# This is used to test whether lines have been removed by erubis, such as comments
# @param code [String] Ruby code to check
# @return [Boolean]
def has_code?(code)
return false if code == "\n"
return false if valid_ruby?(code) == nil
# Checks if a string of Ruby code opens a block.
# This could either be something like `foo do |a|`
# or a keyword that requires a matching `end`
# like `if`, `begin`, or `case`.
# @param code [String] Ruby code to check
# @return [Boolean]
def block_opener?(code)
return unless has_code?(code)
valid_ruby?(code + "\nend") ||
valid_ruby?(code + "\nwhen foo\nend")
# Checks if a string of Ruby code closes a block.
# This is always `end` followed optionally by some method calls.
# @param code [String] Ruby code to check
# @return [Boolean]
def block_closer?(code)
return unless has_code?(code)
valid_ruby?("begin\n" + code)
# Checks if a string of Ruby code comes in the middle of a block.
# This could be a keyword like `else`, `rescue`, or `when`,
# or even `end` with a method call that takes a block.
# @param code [String] Ruby code to check
# @return [Boolean]
def mid_block?(code)
return unless has_code?(code)
return if valid_ruby?(code)
valid_ruby?("if foo\n#{code}\nend") || # else, elsif
valid_ruby?("begin\n#{code}\nend") || # rescue, ensure
valid_ruby?("case foo\n#{code}\nend") # when