# frozen_string_literal: true require 'haml/template/options' # check for a compatible Rails version when Haml is loaded if (activesupport_spec = Gem.loaded_specs['activesupport']) if activesupport_spec.version.to_s < '4.0' raise Exception.new("\n\n** Haml now requires Rails 4.0 and later. Use Haml version 4.0.x\n\n") end end module Haml module Filters module RailsErb extend Plain extend TiltFilter extend PrecompiledTiltFilter end end class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie initializer :haml do |app| ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do require "haml/template" if defined?(::Sass::Rails::SassTemplate) && app.config.assets.enabled require "haml/sass_rails_filter" end # Any object under ActionView::Template will be defined as the root constant with the same # name if it exists. If Erubi is loaded at all, ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi # will turn out to be a reference to the ::Erubi module. # In Rails 4.2, calling const_defined? results in odd exceptions, which seems to be # solved by looking for ::Erubi first. # However, in JRuby, the const_defined? finds it anyway, so we must make sure that it's # not just a reference to ::Erubi. if defined?(::Erubi) && (::ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB.const_get('Erubi') != ::Erubi) require "haml/helpers/safe_erubi_template" Haml::Filters::RailsErb.template_class = Haml::SafeErubiTemplate else require "haml/helpers/safe_erubis_template" Haml::Filters::RailsErb.template_class = Haml::SafeErubisTemplate end Haml::Template.options[:filters] = { 'erb' => Haml::Filters::RailsErb } end end end end