module CarrierWave module Uploader module Url extend ActiveSupport::Concern include CarrierWave::Uploader::Configuration include CarrierWave::Utilities::Uri ## # === Parameters # # [Hash] optional, the query params (only AWS) # # === Returns # # [String] the location where this file is accessible via a url # def url(options = {}) if file.respond_to?(:url) && !(tmp_url = file.url).blank? file.method(:url) ? tmp_url : file.url(options) elsif file.respond_to?(:path) path = encode_path(file.path.sub(File.expand_path(root), '')) if host = asset_host if host.respond_to? :call "#{}#{path}" else "#{host}#{path}" end else (base_path || "") + path end end end def to_s url || '' end end # Url end # Uploader end # CarrierWave