module CarrierWave module Uploader module Processing extend ActiveSupport::Concern include CarrierWave::Uploader::Callbacks included do class_attribute :processors, :instance_writer => false self.processors = [] before :cache, :process! end module ClassMethods ## # Adds a processor callback which applies operations as a file is uploaded. # The argument may be the name of any method of the uploader, expressed as a symbol, # or a list of such methods, or a hash where the key is a method and the value is # an array of arguments to call the method with # # === Parameters # # args (*Symbol, Hash{Symbol => Array[]}) # # === Examples # # class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base # # process :sepiatone, :vignette # process :scale => [200, 200] # process :scale => [200, 200], :if => :image? # process :sepiatone, :if => :image? # # def sepiatone # ... # end # # def vignette # ... # end # # def scale(height, width) # ... # end # # def image? # ... # end # # end # def process(*args) new_processors = args.inject({}) do |hash, arg| arg = { arg => [] } unless arg.is_a?(Hash) hash.merge!(arg) end condition = new_processors.delete(:if) new_processors.each do |processor, processor_args| self.processors += [[processor, processor_args, condition]] end end end # ClassMethods ## # Apply all process callbacks added through CarrierWave.process # def process!(new_file=nil) return unless enable_processing with_callbacks(:process, new_file) do self.class.processors.each do |method, args, condition| if(condition) if condition.respond_to?(:call) next unless, :args => args, :method => method, :file => new_file) else next unless self.send(condition, new_file) end end self.send(method, *args) end end end end # Processing end # Uploader end # CarrierWave