module CanCan # Handle the load and authorization controller logic # so we don't clutter up all controllers with non-interface methods. # This class is used internally, so you do not need to call methods directly on it. class ControllerResource # :nodoc: def self.add_before_action(controller_class, method, *args) options = args.extract_options! resource_name = args.first before_action_method = before_callback_name(options) controller_class.send(before_action_method, options.slice(:only, :except, :if, :unless)) do |controller| controller.class.cancan_resource_class .new(controller, resource_name, options.except(:only, :except, :if, :unless)).send(method) end end def self.before_callback_name(options) if ActiveSupport.respond_to?(:version) && ActiveSupport.version >='4') options.delete(:prepend) ? :prepend_before_action : :before_action else options.delete(:prepend) ? :prepend_before_filter : :before_filter end end def initialize(controller, *args) @controller = controller @params = controller.params @options = args.extract_options! @name = args.first nested_err = 'The :nested option is no longer supported, instead use :through with separate load/authorize call.' raise CanCan::ImplementationRemoved, nested_err if @options[:nested] name_err = 'The :name option is no longer supported, instead pass the name as the first argument.' raise CanCan::ImplementationRemoved, name_err if @options[:name] resource_err = 'The :resource option has been renamed back to :class, use false if no class.' raise CanCan::ImplementationRemoved, resource_err if @options[:resource] end def load_and_authorize_resource load_resource authorize_resource end def load_resource return if skip?(:load) if load_instance? self.resource_instance ||= load_resource_instance elsif load_collection? self.collection_instance ||= load_collection end end def authorize_resource return if skip?(:authorize) @controller.authorize!(authorization_action, resource_instance || resource_class_with_parent) end def parent? @options.key?(:parent) ? @options[:parent] : @name && @name != name_from_controller.to_sym end def skip?(behavior) return false unless (options = @controller.class.cancan_skipper[behavior][@name]) options == {} || options[:except] && !action_exists_in?(options[:except]) || action_exists_in?(options[:only]) end protected def load_resource_instance if !parent? && new_actions.include?(@params[:action].to_sym) build_resource elsif id_param || @options[:singleton] find_resource end end def load_instance? parent? || member_action? end def load_collection? resource_base.respond_to?(:accessible_by) && !current_ability.has_block?(authorization_action, resource_class) end def load_collection resource_base.accessible_by(current_ability, authorization_action) end def build_resource resource = || {}) assign_attributes(resource) end def assign_attributes(resource) resource.send("#{parent_name}=", parent_resource) if @options[:singleton] && parent_resource initial_attributes.each do |attr_name, value| resource.send("#{attr_name}=", value) end resource end def initial_attributes current_ability.attributes_for(@params[:action].to_sym, resource_class).delete_if do |key, _value| resource_params && resource_params.include?(key) end end def find_resource if @options[:singleton] && parent_resource.respond_to?(name) parent_resource.send(name) elsif @options[:find_by] find_resource_using_find_by else adapter.find(resource_base, id_param) end end def find_resource_using_find_by if resource_base.respond_to? "find_by_#{@options[:find_by]}!" resource_base.send("find_by_#{@options[:find_by]}!", id_param) elsif resource_base.respond_to? 'find_by' resource_base.send('find_by', @options[:find_by].to_sym => id_param) else resource_base.send(@options[:find_by], id_param) end end def adapter ModelAdapters::AbstractAdapter.adapter_class(resource_class) end def authorization_action parent? ? parent_authorization_action : @params[:action].to_sym end def parent_authorization_action @options[:parent_action] || :show end def id_param @params[id_param_key].to_s if @params[id_param_key] end def id_param_key if @options[:id_param] @options[:id_param] else parent? ? :"#{name}_id" : :id end end def member_action? new_actions.include?(@params[:action].to_sym) || @options[:singleton] || ((@params[:id] || @params[@options[:id_param]]) && !collection_actions.include?(@params[:action].to_sym)) end # Returns the class used for this resource. This can be overriden by the :class option. # If +false+ is passed in it will use the resource name as a symbol in which case it should # only be used for authorization, not loading since there's no class to load through. def resource_class case @options[:class] when false then name.to_sym when nil then namespaced_name.to_s.camelize.constantize when String then @options[:class].constantize else @options[:class] end end def resource_class_with_parent parent_resource ? { parent_resource => resource_class } : resource_class end def resource_instance=(instance) @controller.instance_variable_set("@#{instance_name}", instance) end def resource_instance @controller.instance_variable_get("@#{instance_name}") if load_instance? end def collection_instance=(instance) @controller.instance_variable_set("@#{instance_name.to_s.pluralize}", instance) end def collection_instance @controller.instance_variable_get("@#{instance_name.to_s.pluralize}") end # The object that methods (such as "find", "new" or "build") are called on. # If the :through option is passed it will go through an association on that instance. # If the :shallow option is passed it will use the resource_class if there's no parent # If the :singleton option is passed it won't use the association because it needs to be handled later. def resource_base if @options[:through] resource_base_through else resource_class end end def resource_base_through if parent_resource base = if @options[:singleton] resource_class else parent_resource.send(@options[:through_association] || name.to_s.pluralize) end base = base.scoped if base.respond_to?(:scoped) && active_record_3? base elsif @options[:shallow] resource_class else # maybe this should be a record not found error instead? raise, authorization_action, resource_class) end end def active_record_3? defined?(ActiveRecord) && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 end def parent_name @options[:through] && [@options[:through]].flatten.detect { |i| fetch_parent(i) } end # The object to load this resource through. def parent_resource parent_name && fetch_parent(parent_name) end def fetch_parent(name) if @controller.instance_variable_defined? "@#{name}" @controller.instance_variable_get("@#{name}") elsif @controller.respond_to?(name, true) @controller.send(name) end end def current_ability @controller.send(:current_ability) end def name @name || name_from_controller end def resource_params if parameters_require_sanitizing? && params_method.present? case params_method when Symbol then @controller.send(params_method) when String then @controller.instance_eval(params_method) when Proc then end else resource_params_by_namespaced_name end end def parameters_require_sanitizing? save_actions.include?(@params[:action].to_sym) || resource_params_by_namespaced_name.present? end def resource_params_by_namespaced_name if @options[:instance_name] && @params.key?(extract_key(@options[:instance_name])) @params[extract_key(@options[:instance_name])] elsif @options[:class] && @params.key?(extract_key(@options[:class])) @params[extract_key(@options[:class])] else @params[extract_key(namespaced_name)] end end def params_method params_methods.each do |method| return method if (method.is_a?(Symbol) && @controller.respond_to?(method, true)) || method.is_a?(String) || method.is_a?(Proc) end nil end def params_methods methods = ["#{@params[:action]}_params".to_sym, "#{name}_params".to_sym, :resource_params] methods.unshift(@options[:param_method]) if @options[:param_method].present? methods end def namespace @params[:controller].split('/')[0..-2] end def namespaced_name [namespace, name].join('/').singularize.camelize.safe_constantize || name end def name_from_controller @params[:controller].split('/').last.singularize end def instance_name @options[:instance_name] || name end def collection_actions [:index] + Array(@options[:collection]) end def new_actions [:new, :create] + Array(@options[:new]) end def save_actions [:create, :update] end private def action_exists_in?(options) Array(options).include?(@params[:action].to_sym) end def extract_key(value)'/', '_') end end end